012. out of school

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"I went to every tournament and cheered for you." Daesu exclaims. Sora slowly opens her eyes.

"So you're okay with dying, right?" Hari asks the fanboy. Without a single doubt Daesu replies with a yes.

Hari starts kicking and punching the boy with no mercy. It makes Sora giggle at the sight.

"I told you I like you!" Daesu yells while dodging the volleyballs that are sent his way.

Suddenly, Suhyeok interrupts the scene. "Can't we move these things?" He questions, while kicking and moving the ball cart.


The students are busy with building a shield, following the orders from Suhyeok. But Mijin and Joonyeong start disagreeing with eachother.

"I'm telling you that the zombies will climb over this thing!"

"We vote." Namra interrupts.

"We what?" Mijin exclaims, clearly not happy with how it turned out.

"Just do what she says." Sora tells the girl, "We don't want to die, right?" The students collectively nod.

"One. We split up." The storage room stays silent. "Two. Stay together." All the hands shoot up.

"Okay, we stay together." Sora concludes. Daesu tries to object but Woojin puts a hand in front of his mouth.

"We go out, Suhyeok, Cheongsan and I fight off the zombies so the rest of you can exit with the shield. Namra will stay at the end of the shield and fight off any zombies from the back. When Suhyeok yells to turn, we form a circle and push towards the exit. Any objections?" Sora plans out. It's the first time Suhyeok has seen the group comply so well.

"You sure you want to fight the zombies off? It's dangerous." Suhyeok asks the girl.

"It's not like I can turn into a zombie." Sora replies. She ties her hair up with the remaining thread they used to tie the carts together.

"That's not what I'm worried about."

"You're scared the zombies will ruin my pretty face?" Sora jokes. Suhyeok stares at the girl, it's the first time he gets to see her face clearly. Her face has streaks of what he assumes is mud, and a small thin cut runs across her face. It somehow makes her look even more beautiful to Suhyeok.

"I'll take that as a yes." Sora chuckles before calling everyone together, leaving Suhyeok speechless.

"Ready?" Woojin asks. "Let's go."

The doors open with a loud clap, catching the attention of all the zombies. Suhyeok, Cheongsan and Sora run out of the room.

The bat that Sora had taken from the storage room was more useful than she had thought. With a few swings she manages to help Cheongsan fight off one zombie.

"Turn!" Suhyeok yells, which is Sora's sign to back up and join the group.

Joonhyeong ties the ends together and yells at the students to push. The hands of the zombies try to reach the students through the gaps of the cart.

Hari tries to poke the hands away with her bow and arrow, and everyone is trying their best to get the carts moving.

It's harder than they thought, they barely move forward.

Suddenly, Namra gets attacked and Joonhyeong pushes the zombie away, resulting in him getting bitten.

Sora's eyes widen as she lifts up his sleeve to try to check if he was actually bitten.

"It's no use, Sora." The boy tells her with tears in his eyes. "I'll let myself out." He climbs over the carts and the zombies immediately run towards him.

"Run! This is your chance." He yells as he tries to divert the zombies to the other side of the gymnasium.

Sora doesn't realise that she's crying until Namra pulls her arm, telling her to snap out of it. They've arrived at the exit.

"It's locked!" Onjo exclaims defeated. She tries to push the door by throwing her whole body against it. Hyoryung sighs, tears forming in her eyes.

"Shit!" Mijin yells, running her hands through her hair. "This is crazy."

Just as everyone is about to give up, the door opens. And in front of them is a middle-aged man.

"Dad!" Onjo exclaims with a smile, and hugs him.

Suhyeok walks over to Sora, and wipes a tear away. "Let's go," he whispers to the girl and holds out his hand, pulling her alongside him, away from school.

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