Our Hearts Are Connected

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It's been a few days since the Unanimous Vote special exam. A lot of the tension from then has died down. Airi was expelled as a result of me sacrificing her to save our class from losing class points. Haruka hasn't spoken to me since. Every once in a while she'll hang out with Akito, and if she isn't with him then she's by herself. 

As for Kushida, she always rushes out of class as soon as the final bell rings. Horikita has been following her to make sure she isn't doing something she shouldn't. Well, I don't want to get involved with them. At least for now anyways. I have other things I need to take care of.

For example, the upcoming sports festival. Since parents will be allowed to attend, I have no doubt in my mind that "that man" will be showing up as well. I'll need to make preparations since anything could happen.

I didn't plan on telling her as I thought there was no reason for her to know my past and who I was. But with the circumstances I'm in now, It's probably best that I tell her before she hears it from anyone else. The person I'm talking about is my girlfriend Karuizawa Kei. During our spring break earlier this year, I confessed my love to her and asked her out. Fortunately, she accepted and we started going out. We only just reveled our relationship to our classmates not to long before the Unanimous Vote. But I'm glad we can start going out together in public.

But it's because of my relationship with Kei, that I have to tell her the truth. I don't know if she'll still want to be with me despite the dangers to her wellbeing and maybe to her family. But she deserves to know. After all, I did promise to protect her. Even if she wants to break up, I'll still protect her for as long as I can.

I wonder if the me from a year ago would be willing to do that?

During the lunch break, I sent Kei a text message. She already left the classroom to go eat with Satou and the other girls in her group.

<Hey, could you come over to my room at 5pm tonight?>

I waited for a reply. Two minutes later she answered.

<Sure. Did you need something from me?>

<No I just have something important to tell you.>

<Oh okay. See ya then!!>

Well that takes care of that. Now I'll just have to wait for the time to come. I was about to get out of my seat but Sudo approached my desk. 

"Yo Ayanokouji!"


"Wanna eat lunch with me? Suzune already left to go eat with Kushida and Ike is eating with Shinohara so I'm by myself."

Akito and Haruka (mostly Haruka who probably wouldn't want me to be there), are eating together and it seems like Keisei is busy studying. So I had no reason to say no.

"Sure. Let's go to cafeteria."


It's now almost 5pm. I made sure to clean up my room to look presentable. I wore a white shirt with blue jeans. As I was about to sit down, I heard the doorbell ring. I walked over to the door and opened it. There, my beautiful girlfriend was standing there in a red knitted sweater tucked into her knee-high brown skirt. She entered my room and removed her black Vans then left her purse on my desk.

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