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It was the evening and I was spending time with Kiyotaka. We had just finished watching a movie that he borrowed from someone else in our class and was currently out to go return it. While he was out, I cleaned up his room. I noticed that he doesn't really have a whole bunch of stuff to decorate his room. Not even pictures. Maybe I'll give him a picture of us to put in his room. That way he can look at me every time he wakes up. Wait... what am I thinking? My face turned red from that thought. But I do think Kiyotaka should have at least a few pictures of his friends. It's a nice way to remember all the fun times you had together. 

I laid down on his bed, waiting for his return. I looked up at the ceiling as I thought about all the things that happened throughout the day today. I heard the sound of a door opening but at some point my eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep. As my eyes were starting to open again, I could feel the bed slightly move as if someone else was also getting on. I turned my head to the side and saw Kiyotaka's face right next to mine. 

"Sorry. Did I wake you up?" He asked me quietly.

"No. I was just about to wake up. How long was I asleep for?"

"Not that long. It's been around 10 minutes since I got back. I thought I'd let you sleep for a bit."

"How considerate of you." I gave him a soft smile.

We were now both lying down on his bed facing each other. I scooted closer to him buried my head into his chest. Kiyotaka silently hugged me, bringing me closer to him. I could feel the warmth from his body spread onto mine.

"Kiyotaka, you're so warm."

"Is that so?"

"Mm... compared to me, you're warm all over. My feet and hands are really cold."

"Well those places are well known to become cold quickly. Why try wearing mittens and socks next time?"

"Oh so you want me to go all the way up to my room and put mittens and socks on, then head back down here?" I glared at him with a pouty face. 



Ugh I can't with this guy. I wanted to hear him say something like:

I'll warm you up then.

"I'll warm you up then."

"Eh? D-did you just read my mind?" I asked him with a surprised face. I wasn't expecting that at all.

"I just thought it would be something you would want me to say."

Kiyotaka and I have been dating ever since spring break earlier this year. We've spent a lot of time together trying to understand each other better. The both of us has had no prior experience in a romantic relationship but even I knew the basics of one. Can't say the same about Kiyotaka though. I don't have enough fingers to count the amount of times I've had to correct him on certain things. But every once in awhile he catches me off guard with his words or actions.

At that moment, our legs intertwined. It felt awkward trying to find a comfortable position but we eventually found one. The warmth from him made me feel so much warmer and relaxed. I snuggled my face onto his chest once more after giving him a nose boop with my own nose. I couldn't help but smile the entire time. All the little movements of trying to be comfortable made my heart race a little.

We could understand each other just by looking in each other's eyes. It was a special ability that we had. Just being able to be in physically touch him helps me understand him just a little bit more. After all, words aren't the only thing that tell people what you're thinking.

Five... ten... maybe even fifteen minutes went by in silence. Maybe it was because I was getting tired but I had no clue how long it's been since we started. To finally break the silence, Kiyotaka opened his mouth.

"Are you feeling warmer now?"

"Yup! So much warmer."

"Well that's good."

"Don't you feel cold now though?"

"Nope. Not at all."

That had to be lie. He must have felt cold for a bit. I thought of calling him out on it but decided not to. I'll let him keep playing the cool guy for now. As I thought about what to say next, Kiyotaka gently stroked my hair. Whenever he does it, I always find myself drifting to sleep. It feels so good and relaxing. If I were cat, I'd probably be purring by now.

"I love you." I very softly said those words to Kiyotaka with a quiet voice. I doubt he heard me but that was okay. I said those words for my own self satisfaction. I wish this moment would last forever, but I had to head back to my own room soon. Maybe in the future after we graduated, we could get our own place and never have to worry about being interrupted.

 I realized I was getting ahead of myself thinking about the future like that. My face started heating up from that thought. I shook head to help me stop thinking about it. Kiyotaka looked at me with a confused face. 

"Something wrong Kei?" he asked me.

"N-nope! Nothing at all." I replied while looking everywhere but at him. Thankfully, he didn't ask me anything else and just continued stroking my hair.

Although my earlier thought was kind of embarrassing, I truly did want to still be with Kiyotaka that far into the future. I felt like there will be trials that we will have to face together at some point during our high school life but I don't want to think about them right at this moment.

Just spending time and cuddling with my boyfriend is all that matters to me right now.


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