Welcome Back

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Note: This is a continuation of "A Tearful Farewell" that will be taking place in the future. Enjoy!

Seven years have already passed since I last saw Kiyotaka. I've already graduated both high school and university. I was now working as a pharmacist at a local pharmacy here in Tokyo. Kiyotaka always told me back in ANHS that out of all the subjects, science seemed to be my strongest one. Thanks to that advice, I decided to focus on a career related to the sciences. 

I think I've changed a lot since then. I no longer acted mean or condescending towards others. I tried helping others to the best of my own ability and even helped out Horikita-san with her plans to further unite the class. I tried to change my own personal habits like spending less money on things I didn't really need and even learned how to cook for myself. Those habits ending up staying with me as I entered university. 

I attended a fairly good university after studying like crazy. I didn't know any of my new classmates as I entered my first lecture. No one from my high school class was even attending the same university as me which made me felt a bit lonely. But I still kept in touch with most of them. As time passed by, I made new friends that I could hang out with inside and outside of class. As the years went by, there were some men who confessed their love for me. However, my heart still believed that Kiyotaka would come for me so I turned them all down. I'd often look at pictures of Kiyotaka and me from our high school days before he left. He never smiled in any of them but I think that's one part about Kiyotaka that I really loved about him.

I finally got a week off from work. It was currently a Friday evening and I decided to have a movie marathon to celebrate the start of my vacation. I grabbed some popcorn played a thriller movie that has been quite popular lately to start. Hours and hours went by and I fell asleep somewhere around 2am in the morning. When I woke up, it was already 1pm. I got up and cleaned up the mess I made last night. I made myself a small breakfast before changing into some cozy clothes. There was nothing I really wanted to do at the moment. As I thought about what activities I could try, the doorbell for my apartment rang. I wasn't expecting any deliveries so someone must have wanted to come see me in person. 

I checked myself in a mirror to make sure I looked presentable then headed to the front entrance. Through the peep hole I could see a young man, around the same age as me standing outside. I slowly opened the door and spoke.

"Hello. Do you need something from me?" I took a better look at the man in front of me. He looked to be around 5'9 or 5'10. A bit taller than the average Japanese male. He wore a light grey button down shirt with a white shirt underneath and blue slim jeans that were cuffed and black shoes. Brown eyes and brown hair. He had a pretty handsome face to go along side his toned body. 

"Uh yes. You're Karuizawa Kei right?"

"Yes I am." 

The man scratched his head seeming slightly nervous.

"Would you like to go out on a walk with me?"

"Excuse me? I don't even who you are. So if you have nothing else to say, goodbye." I shut the door after telling him those words.

"But you do know me though."

Huh? What was this guy talking about?


My eyes opened wide from hearing that name. It couldn't really be him right?

"My name's Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. You must remember me now Ke-"

In an instant, I slammed open the door and leaped towards him. Surprised by my sudden moment, Kiyotaka collapsed to the floor with me on top of him. His eyes were wide open when I looked at him straight in the face.

"You're really Kiyotaka?" I grabbed his collar and demanded an answer. If this was just some guy impersonating him, he wasn't going to leave this place in one piece.

"Yeah I am."

"Prove it."

"Well, when we were in our first year high school I gave you a heart shaped necklace as a White Day and birthday present. When we were second years, we had our first kiss during the deserted island exam remember? You were completely speechless right after back then."

"It really is you?" I asked him. My eyes started to become watery.

Kiyotaka nodded his head yes to my question.

Just like that, the tears I tried to push away started to overflow.  As I cried, Kiyotaka gently embraced me while patting the back of my head. I mustered up the words to speak to him.

"You made made me wait seven years y'know?" I grumbled.

"I know. I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long."

"I really missed you a lot y'know?"

"I missed you too. But I'm back now."

"You're not going to leave me behind again are you?"

"Nope. Never again. I'd like to continue being with you as your boyfriend if you're okay with that."

I slowly nodded. 

Kiyotaka was back. It took seven years but we were finally together again. He still had his monotone voice but it was a little different from before. The way he spoke felt softer. To be honest, there have been times where I doubted he would ever come for me. Those times were one of the hardest times of my life. But they didn't matter anymore. I was together with Kiyotaka again now. The one I love the most. 

"Hey Kei?"

"Mm yeah?"

"Do you remember what I told you seven years ago in the classroom?"

That's right. Kiyotaka told me something he wanted me to say to him when we met again. If I remember correctly it was:

"Welcome back, Kiyotaka!"


Author's Note:

To the one person who really wanted me to write a continuation of "A Tearful Farewell", here it is. I hope you liked it. I have a few ideas that could be written as a sequel to this story. Let me know if you are interested in reading that. The next part will be back at ANHS in a different timeline as usual. Stay safe and take care everyone!

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