It Tastes Like Chocolate

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"Kiyotaka, let's make a chocolate cake!"

As the soon as the final bell for the day rang, Kei ran up to my desk spoke to me.

"Why do you suddenly want to have chocolate cake?" I asked her.

"Because I just suddenly felt like it."

"Hm I see... can't we just buy one from the store then? We don't have to go out of way to make one ourselves."

"What's the fun in that? Homemade sweets are the best kind of sweets and we are going to make that chocolate cake today no matter what."

It seems like Kei was dead set on baking this cake with me so I went along with it. We headed back to the dorms hand in hand towards Kei's room. As we entered through the door, I could see that Kei has already prepared all the ingredients we would need. Apparently she had been planning this for awhile already.

"Let me get you an apron Kiyotaka." 

I washed my hands while Kei went to go get an apron for me. When she got back, she handed me a bright pink apron covered in frills, hearts, and flowers. It was something that would make Kei look more adorable if she wore it, not me. 

"Is that for me?" I asked her in a way that wouldn't sound offending. Kei nodded her head and turned to wash her hands. I had this feeling like she planned this out from the start to tease me. Well I didn't really mind too much if it was only Kei who saw me in this state. The sound of a camera's shutter reached my ears. When I looked at the only other person in the room, I could see a phone in her hand as she smiled at me.

"Kei." I said her name with a strong tone in my voice.

"Please let me keep it. I won't upload it or show it off to anyone. I just wanna be able to look at it for myself." She begged me to let her keep it. As I continued to ponder on whether or not I should let her keep it or not, Kei almost closed the gap between our faces. She stared at me with a pouty face. 

"Fine." I sighed.

Kei jumped for joy with a big smile on her face. 

We finally moved onto the baking part. Following the recipe, we measured out the ingredients and added them into the bowl one by one. There were spills at times but nothing too much of a mess. I bent down to grab a pan that we could use to pour the batter into later while Kei took the bowl with all the ingredients we added and put it on the mixer. Just as she pressed the "ON" button, I realized that the speed was on "HIGH". The recipe instructions said to leave it on "MEDIUM".  In an instant, the contents in the bowl splattered all over the room and on us. With her quick thinking skills, Kei immediately turned off the mixer.

We looked at each other covered in chocolate. All of a sudden Kei started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked her. 

"Ki- Kiyotaka. Y- your face ahahahaha!!" She couldn't stop laughing as she talked. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. The chocolate miraculously landed right above my lips in the form of a moustache. It also landed on my eyebrows making them look even bigger than normal.  I turned on the tap so I could rinse my face but Kei came in and stopped me.

"Wait let's take a picture."

"Was the apron one not enough for you?" I asked her.

"Yup! I need to take a picture of this too. It's way too funny to not take one." She answered.

Unlike me, Kei's face wasn't so covered in the cake batter despite her standing right in front of the mixer. It seems like today is a day where I only get teased by Kei and have to take embarrassing photos of myself. I didn't dislike doing it though.

After cleaning ourselves off, we got rid of the mess that had just occurred.  We did lose a bit of the batter but not too much that we couldn't continue baking. To make sure we didn't have another accident, I handled the batter and mixer. Once that was done, we poured it into the pan and put it in the oven. While we waited for the cake to bake, Kei and I focused on creating the icing that we would use to decorate the cake later. Thankfully, that process went by smoothly with no issues.

Time passed and the cake we took out of the oven had finally cooled down. It was now decorating time. Following the step by step YouTube tutorial, we managed to cover the sides and top with fun decorations and icing. It was a small, one layered cake covered in chocolate icing and multicoloured sprinkles. From an outside perspective it looked tasty, but only a taste test would tell us if it was actually edible.

Kei and I sat down at the table in her room with our plates that had slices of the cake we had just made. It was finally the moment of truth.



After giving our thanks, we took a bite out of the dessert in front of us. It actually tasted really good. The sweetness of the chocolate was at the perfect. Even the cake and a nice fluffy texture to it. Of course it was nothing compared to a cake created by a professional that spent large part of their lives creating delicious cakes for people to buy and eat. But for beginners like us, it was a decent cake. Kei's eyes glowed as she realized how tasty the cake was.

"Is it tasty?" I asked her even though I knew the answer.

"Yeah! It's super tasty!!" Her excitement was fully conveyed through her speech. "Did you like it?" She asked me that question.

"It was good. I would eat it if we made it again."

"Me too. I'm gonna save this recipe. Oh and I'll send it over to you too, okay?"

"Sure thanks."

Kei continued to eat her dessert. I watched her as I ate mine. It seemed like she didn't notice at all that I was watching her. Even if she did notice, she clearly didn't mind. The big smile on her face really suited her. If I had persisted to say no earlier, I may have not gotten to see this cute face of hers. As I continued looking at Kei, I noticed that some of the icing was stuck in the corner of left lip. I leaned in and licked off clean.

Kei was left stunned by my sudden actions as her face started to go red. I guess that's payback for all the things that happened while baking. Leaning back to my original position, I checked the taste of what I just licked.

"As I thought, it tastes like chocolate. "


Author's Note:

I promise the next part will be about what happens after "Welcome Back". I just needed to know if people were interested in it which a lot of you said yes. I have a somewhat solid idea of what to write so now I just need to actually write it. Anyways, KiyoKei often have kisses right after they eat or drink something in the light novel. I don't why they do, they just do. So I wrote this part because of that. It wasn't really a kiss tho. Eh, same thing. Anyways, look out for the next part coming out around the weekend. Take care and stay safe!

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