A Tearful Farewell

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I wonder why everything went wrong?

I thought we would always be together. It just happened all so suddenly. Even now I can't believe he's gone. Would I ever see him again? 

It was just a week ago that I was hanging out with my boyfriend Kiyotaka. We were just taking a nice walk outside at the park. As a dating couple, it's obvious that we would have to spend sometime alone to bond and become closer. We sat down by a nearby bench to take a break. As we held hands, I leaned my head on his right shoulder and closed my eyes.

Just spending time together like this was enough for me. We didn't need to do anything special. Small things like this made us both happy. Eventually as time passed, someone walked to us and ended up ruining our peace time. This person was Nagumo Miyabi-senpai. He was the current Student Council President.  I haven't really spoke to him all that much. I remember last year on Christmas, during my double date with Satou-san, Kiyotaka, and Hirata-kun, we ran into him. I didn't fully understand the situation back then, but I did know there was definitely some kind of tension between Kiyotaka and Nagumo-senpai. 

Kiyotaka got up and and went to talk with Nagumo-senpai in a place just out of my hearings reach, leaving me all alone on the bench. Five minutes went by and the two of them finished talking about something. Kiyotaka didn't explain any of it to me when I asked him. He said that everything is fine.

Everything was not fine.

I only found out about it after Kiyotaka left the school that Nagumo-senpai made some kind of bet with him and Kiyotaka ending up losing. It seems like whoever lost had to drop out. The details behind it were unknown to everyone except for those two. I tried to come into contact with Nagumo-senpai but he refused to see me. 

Back on the day I last saw Kiyotaka, I remembered that we were in class listening to Chabashira-sensei's lecture. Everything was pretty normal. There were people who were on their phones, others were properly paying attention, and some just looked out the windows. We were a unique class.

Around 1:45pm, multiple big men wearing black suits walked right into our classroom from the back door. They looked as if they were body guards for a very important person. Chabashira-sensei quickly told us to stand by the windows as she she tried to talk to the mysterious men. However, she got no answer from them. They all stayed quiet and made room for another man to enter. 

The new man who entered the classroom was a tall man who looked to be around his mid forties. He have off this very confident aura that instantly filled the room. He looked straight at Kiyotaka for some reason. Did they know each other? Was he Kiyotaka's...father? The man spoke.

"I heard that you were dropping out of school because you wanted to. As your father, I found it a  bit surprising considering how you refused when I first asked you to do that. But that doesn't matter now. It's time for you to come back Kiyotaka. Your little rebellious phase  is over." 

"Yeah I guess so." Kiyotaka replied back while walking towards his father.

Everyone in the class audibly gasped that the man in front of them was Kiyotaka's father. They kind of give off this strong serious vibe. "Like father, like son." is what they often say right? I didn't really understand why Kiyotaka dropped out on his onw accord at the time. I just wanted him to say it's a joke and everything would return back to normal. Instead, Kiyotaka continued to walk towards his father. All I could do was watch him silently from the back of the classroom. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't say anything. No that's not it. I just didn't know what to say.

Kiyotaka looked straight into his father's eyes. It felt like he was just going to leave me without saying anything. I wished he would say something to me. I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes. Was it all going to end here? Will I ever see him again?

"Can I just say something really quickly to somebody?" Kiyotaka spoke up.

"Hurry it up." His father replied as he left the room with a few of his body guards. The remaining ones were left to escort Kiyotaka to the exit. He turned around and walked straight up to me. And without saying a word, he just kissed me on my lips in front of the entire class. I was shocked because the Kiyotaka I knew and love wouldn't do something this embarrassing. As my face turned red,  I could feel his soft lips press against mine. The kiss only lasted a couple of seconds. As our faces parted, he leaned in for a hug and whispered words in my ear with a quiet voice. It was something only I could hear.

"Please wait for me. I don't know how long it will take, but I will definitely find you again. And when I do, will you please---"


A single fell down from my eye. As I slowly nodded my head. I looked at Kiyotaka's eyes once more. We've have always been able to understand each other through our eyes. I'm certain that he knew what my answer would be.

He finally walked out of the classroom with the guards right behind. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was no longer a student at ANHS. We have been through a lot of things together. I will admit, we didn't start off on the best terms. But as I spent more and more time with him, I realized how much I've fallen in love with him. I can't be with anyone but him. So I'll continue to wait for him, no matter how long it takes. Because Kiyotaka is my everything.

 It has been 3 years since Kiyotaka said those words to me.  I've already graduated from ANHS and I'm currently studying at a local university. I still haven't seen him again, but I know he will come back for me.

Remembering those words he said to me back then, I thought about how it was a tearful farewell.


Author's Note:

Hi everyone. I wrote this part before I saw the illustrations and detailed spoilers for Y2V6. Now that I have seen the new info, I can only say once again that Kei is truly my favorite girl. If you don't see me update in a while then the new volume is probably the reason why lololol. Anyways, please don't share any spoilers in the comments here. I'm sure that there are people who want to stay blind for this upcoming volume. Also if you have been sleeping under a rock these last few days, COTE is getting a season 2. New details will be released on March 6th, so keep an eye out for that. I'm pretty excited for it. Anyway I need to stop talking so I'll just end it off with the next part should be a bit more happy then this one. Take care! And my prayers and thoughts go out to those in Ukraine as well. Stay safe everyone!!

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