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"KYO! TO!!"

With a loud voice, Kei shouted out the name of the city we were currently in. About a week ago, Chabashira-sensei informed us of the results of the one of the questions we had to answer during the Unanimous Vote Exam. We had to choose a destination of where we wanted to go on our school trip. We had three options: Hokkaido, Kyoto, and Okinawa. I personally wanted to go to Kyoto because I was interested in the rich historical culture there. However, as a class we all agreed to vote Hokkaido. When added up with what the other second year classes chose, the final destination was Kyoto. 

So here we were. After having a week to prepare and pack, we took school owned buses all the way down to Kyoto. We would be there for the weekend, from Friday morning to Sunday afternoon.

Our class headed towards the hotel and we dropped off our belongings in our rooms. We each had our own rooms. Class B gathered in the lobby afterwards to listen to Chabashira-sensei's explanation of the research we had to do. We would be separated by male and female then put in a group of four consisting of 1 person from each second year class. In my group, I was with Hashimoto from class A, Ishizaki from class C, and Kanzaki from class D. With our group we would have to go around the city and research historical elements related to Kyoto. This would last for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, we would have a group activity with the other classes. The details on it would be released when the teachers were ready. Finally, on Sunday we had free time to go out by ourselves or with friends as long as we returned back in time for bus at 4pm.

After the explanation of the next couple of days, Kei walked up to me. It seemed like she wanted to tell me something.

"Sunday. Front lobby. 9am." 

She turned the other way and went to join Matsushita and some of the other girls in our class. Judging from what she just said to me, I guess we were going to have a date on Sunday morning. With that in mind, I headed back up to my room to prepare for the rest of the day.

*Time skip to Sunday because this is a KiyoKei fanfic.*




I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of my alarm. I set the time last night to wake me up at 7:30. Breakfast was already open to anyone who wanted to go eat early or late. It closed at 10 but I planned on eating early so I would make it in time for my date later on. I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I put on some clean clothes and grabbed some of my belongings that I would to take with me and headed down stairs to the dining hall. I was choosing my food when I bumped into Yousuke. 

"Oh good morning Kiyotaka-kun!"


"Would you like to eat with me?" With the kindest smile on his face, Yousuke asked me that question.

"Are you okay with eating with someone like me?"

"Of course! Aren't we friends Kiyotaka-kun?"

With that, the two of us sat down at an empty table and talked about the trip so far and our thoughts on it. Over time we parted ways and I headed to the lobby to meet up with Kei.

Not even five minutes after I arrived, Kei showed up in her casual outdoor clothes. She wore a beautiful white strapless shirt that exposed her shoulders with a short blue jeaned skirt. To say the very least, she looked very adorable.

"You ready?" I asked her.


I offered her my hand but instead she latched onto my whole arm. We went out the doors and  into the city.

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