Strange Girl

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** In an alternate universe, in a certain kindergarten class... pt. 2**

"Good morning everyone!"

It was another normal day in a certain kindergarten class in Tokyo as  the teacher Ms. Yamamori Mikan greeted her class. As usual the class responded to her greeting immediately.

"Good morning Yamamori-sensei!!"

A young boy sat quietly at his desk reading a book as Yamamori-sensei said that there was a new student joining their class today. The footsteps of the new student could be heard as they walked towards the teachers  desk. They were a young girl named Karuizawa Kei. She introduced herself and already made a new friend in the class. Of course the boy who was reading didn't care at all nor did he ever look at her as she came in. 

Yamamori-sensei asked Kei to go sit beside Ayanokouji-kun, the last name of the boy that was been silently doing his own thing this entire time. The girl approached the desk next to his and spoke.

"Hi my name is Karuizawa Kei. Nice to meet you. You can call me Kei. What's your name?" With a big smile on her face,  she personally introduced herself to him.

 "Ayanokouji Kiyotaka." He briefly stated his name, not really caring about the situation.

"Then can I call you Kiyotaka-kun?"

"You're free to call me whatever you want." Kiyotaka didn't care what he was called. A name is just a name to him. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"Fine then, I'll just call you Kiyotaka."

Even though Kiyotaka never looked at her face during their very short conversation, he could tell that she was not happy.

With the announcements out of the way, Yamamori-sensei started her lesson on Japanese characters. When her explanation was over, she handed out the activity that had hidden Hiragana in a puzzle. The task was to find them all. As soon as Kiyotaka got his paper he went straight to work. For him, this task was too for him. It only took him less than 5 minutes to complete it. As the son of a strict father, Kiyotaka has always been trained to be the best. Even at home, he was always training and studying as his father has big plans for him for when he is older. As he was getting ready to hand in his work, the girl who sat beside him spoke up.

"Eh? Kiyotaka, you're already done the puzzle?"

"Yeah." While he answered like he didn't care about her question, he was a bit surprised that she really was just going to use his first name without any honorifics. He got out of his seat when he sensed that she wasn't going to keep asking him any more questions. Kiyotaka approached Yamamori-sensei who was sitting at her desk and passed his completed work to her.

"Oh you're done already Ayanokouji-kun? As usual, you're really fast at doing your work. Why don't you continue reading your book?" she told him.


Kiyotaka headed back to his spot and picked up his book. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Kei working hard on hers.

The bell for lunch finally rang. Kiyotaka grabbed his lunch to eat. His father has always hired people who create the most healthy lunches for him to eat at school. For Kiyotaka, he has never really socialized with his classmates. He always prefered to eat and be by himself. Not to mention that he doesn't talk much during group work. In other words, he's a loner with no friends or social skills whatsoever. But to him, it's his normal everyday life and it has nevered bother him at all before.

Some weeks later, he was eating his own lunch by himself with his new book he picked out from the library as usual. However, there was one major difference in this time around. His classmate Kei, was eating her lunch at her desk instead of joining her friends at another spot. Kiyotaka could hear her whisper her thanks to the food. 

He sensed that the girl next to him was staring at his food. Of course, even for him that was awkward and strange. Kiyotaka thought he must be imagining it and continued eating.

"Hey! Wanna give me a piece of your tamagoyaki?" The voice he heard came from Kei. It seems like she was interested in his food and wanted a bite. 

"Why should I?" He bluntly replied back without looking at her.

"I'll give you a piece of my karaage in return. Here!" 

To Kiyotaka's surprise, Kei took a piece of his food and ate it and in return gave him a piece of karaage. With his strict father, Kiyotaka has always been a calm child who was never quick to anger. In fact, he's never really gotten angry at anyone. He's always be extremely mature for his age. But for the first time in his life, he raised his voice, to his classmate no less.

"Hey!?" He yelled at her looking directly at her face. It was the first time Kiyotaka and Kei have ever made full eye contact since Kei first came to this kindergarten. All the other students looked in shock to hear Kiyotaka raise his voice like that. 

Even Kiyotaka himself had widen his eyes as he realized what he just did. Feelings of shame and shock flooded his mind. Without apologizing, he turned back to his food. As he thought about what just happened, Kei spoke words he didn't expect.

"Y'know this is the first time you ever looked at me since I first got here. I didn't think you would like that. But this tamagoyaki is really good. Thanks!" She turned to face her own food and continued eating.

Kiyotaka thought she would have cried or run to go tell Yamamori-sensei that he yelled at her, but she didn't. It seemed like Karuizawa Kei was a strong girl that didn't really care that a boy yelled at her face. His slight feelings of guilt kept him from looking at her for the rest of the lunch break.

It was now nap time. Kiyotaka still hadn't apologized to Kei about what happened at lunch and still felt bad. Yamamori-sensei turned off the lights to and told everyone to go to sleep. Kiyotaka could see Kei already sleeping with her blankets over her head. She wasn't too far away from where he was lying down, so he slowly crawled over to her and whispered softly into her ear.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you during lunch...Kei."

He headed back to his spot and made himself comfortable. As he shut his eyes, Kiyotaka remembered Kei not seeming bothered by his actions. Even when they first met and all the other times he answered her in a detached voice, she never has gotten fully upset with him. As he slowly started falling asleep, he thought to himself:

"I should apologize to her again once we wake up. But Kei really is a strange girl."


Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoyed this second part of Kiyo and Kei in kindergarten. Honestly I don't really have much to say. But Y2V6 comes out this Friday and the leaked spoilers and illustrations are probably going to be out in just a couple of days. So if you wanna stay spoiler-free then you might wanna stay off COTE Reddit and Twitter for a while. Anyways, take care and stay safe! Love you guys so much. Thanks for all your support and funny comments. 

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