Mama's Story Time

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Two teenage voices echoed throughout the house. They belonged to a pair twins. One boy and one girl. Their names were Ayanokouji Hiroto and Kyoka. They ran towards their mother's side with excitement in their eyes.

"What is it?" the mother, Kei asked. 

"Tell us your high school love story with Papa!" exclaimed Kyoka. Her younger twin brother Hiroto nodded his head in agreement.

"Why now all of a sudden though?" She was currently preparing their dinner that they would eat later that evening.

"Because why not? Everyone in our class knows how their parents got together but we don't." said Hiroto.

"Also, we start attending ANHS next month so I wanna see the places that you two spent time together." added Kyoka.

"*sigh* Fine. Let's sit down first though." She placed the chicken in the oven and set a timer before following her kids.

The three of them sat down on the couch in their spacious living room. Before Kei could start her story, Kyoka went to the kitchen and brought back snacks for her and brother to munch on while their mother talked.

"Well it's a long story but to tell you the truth, I didn't like or talk to your father all that much in our first year. We hardly ever interacted until the summertime."

The twins listened in awe. They found it hard to believe that parents didn't get along as they were used to seeing them being so close to each other and going on dates constantly.

"One day, we were on a cruise and had to do a special test. We were put into groups with a few other students in our class then we merged into a bigger group that had students from other classes. Your dad and I were put together in the same group. I was completely disgusted about that fact at the time. I won't go into too much detail about it but let's just say because we were put together in the same group, we became closer."

"Ehhh!? You gotta tell us more than that!!" yelled Kyoka.

"Well... one day, your father tricked me into something. And when he did THAT, I had no choice but to listen to him afterwards and do all his dirty work."

"What did he do?" Hiroto asked his mother with a curious face.

"That is a secret that I will never tell you two. And don't even bother asking your father Kyoka."

Kyoka looked up from her phone into her mother's eyes. She was going to send a message to her dad asking what happened between her mom and him but got stopped by her mother before she could hit the send button. Even if she did succeed, Kiyotaka wouldn't have answered her anyways. What happened at the bottom of the ship deck would remain a secret only to Kei and Kiyotaka. 

"Moving on, after we got back to school, I just helped Kiyotaka do certain tasks undercover for the next couple months. For example, he made me enter the girls change room and get rid of the secret cameras that the boys in our class placed just to spy on the girls changing."

"Wow." the twins spoke at the same time.

"We did a lot of things like that. I would sometimes have to act mean and all that in order to succeed in the task. Other times I would have to look into other people and find out the information that your father wanted to know. That continued until December I think. He called me and said that our current relationship was over and that he wasn't going to come in contact with me from now on."

"Why did he just cut you off like that Mama?" asked Hiroto.

"Who knows? Not too long after that though, I was stuck in a really bad position where I was getting water poured on me in the middle of winter by students in another class. I was fine when it was all over but it wasn't fun at all."

"Did Papa come rushing to save you?" Kyoka sounded concerned about her mother.

"Nope. He didn't show up until like an hour later. Can you believe it?"

The twins looked at each other in surprise. Their father was very protective of his wife, always ready to help do some of the more dangerous stuff for her. They thought he had always been that way but it seems like that habit started later in his life.

"Eventually he came and saved me. After that incident, we went on a double date together with some friends. Except he was going with the other girl with us and I went with my 'boyfriend'. The whole date was just me teasing him about his lack of experience with romantic relationships."

"But Mama, it's not like you had any previous experience right?" 

"Y-yes that's true but even made up experience is better than no experience at all. Moving on, after the date was over I had the chance to just hang out with Kiyotaka for the evening. We were careful to not let anyone see us because at this point, I still had a boyfriend. This is where I completely fell in love with him. He called me by my first name and my heart couldn't take it anymore."

"So when did you confess to him?"

"To him? I never did. He confessed to me first during our spring break just before we became second years."

"REALLY?" the twins shouted.

"Yup. He called me over to his room one evening, and we chatted for a bit. Throughout our conversation he gave off hints that he was interested in a girl from another class because they both liked reading and got along well. Completely different from me right?"

Hiroto and Kyoka nodded their heads.

"It made me a bit upset but I did my best to ignore it. I had plans with some friends to have dinner together at a restaurant that evening and I had to get going so as I was leaving, your father called out to me. He said 'will you go out with me?' I was super confused since I thought he wanted me to go somewhere with him even though I already had plans."

"Wow you're really dense Mama. Even I would have understood what a guy meant if he said that to me." Kyoka scoffed.

"Sis, say that when you actually have a guy who likes you." commented Hiroto.

"Why you-"

"Stop it you two." Kei raised her voice. "Back to my story, I told him I would go out with him as an answer and ever since then, we had been dating. Lots of other stuff happened afterwards but here we are now with two teens heading to the same high school that we used to go to."

"Wow that was a interesting story. It's like one of those enemies to lovers tropes you seen in fiction." Kyoka said.

"More like enemies to partners to strangers to partners to lovers," corrected Hiroto.

"Either way, our relationship was not normal at all. But I still loved him and I still do to this very day. Anyways, story time is over. Kyoka, go set up the table. Hiroto, please take out the garbage.  Dinner is almost ready and your father should be back soon."

"Yes Mama!" the twins spoke in perfect unison.


Authors Comments:

Hi again everyone! I hope you liked this part. By the time you're done this part, I'll be working on the next one. It's also a story that I wrote not to long ago on paper. There were two things that inspired me to write that but I'll explain that in the next Author's Comments part. Anyway, just a couple weeks left until Y2V7 and season 2. Super excited for them. Hopefully we get a new trailer soon. Take care everyone!! 

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