Part 1

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The beginning of the school year was always tough for one certain student. He had been attending the same school for many years until his mother grew sick and they moved closer to the rest of his family so that she could get the care that she needed. Elliot Witt. A smart engineer who was often depicted as dumb but stunningly handsome. Elliot had been signed up to attend the Apex Academy. It was a university where you live on the school grounds and had sort of leave to visit family. 

"Mom, Do I have to leave you here?" Elliot whined for the fifth time that morning as his Mother Evelyn ushered her son out of the house and gave him a small ghost of a smile before bidding him goodbye. He knew that by the next time he returned she wouldn't even remember that he was her son. He hated leaving her but he had no choice. His brothers had pressured him into attending the academy because they wanted to keep a watchful eye on him as they had been going to the academy for years. 

"Come on Elliot, We can't be late." He heard one of his older brothers yell as they all piled out of the house with wide smiles and unnatural energy. Elliot had grown to despise his siblings and wished that he could step out from underneath their shadows. He felt his older brother Evan place a hand on his shoulder and guide him onto the already packed bus. He wanted nothing more than to go back to his warm cosy bed. 

-Time Skip-

Elliot watched students pile out of the bus and swarm the Academy grounds. He had considered jumping out of the bus window but he knew that he wouldn't fit and any attempt to escape would be a reason for his siblings to torture him for the rest of the year. "We are here. Now, try to make some friends this time." Evan mumbled and dragged him out of the seat and out of the warmth of the bus. "Your bags have been sent to your room, You are in Dorm Sixteen." 

He watched as his siblings walked further away from them and found himself sighing in relief at the thought of finally being alone. "Family troubles?" A gentle voice spoke from behind him causing him to jump out of his thoughts and spin around quickly. 

In front of him stood Renee 'Wraith'. She had dark black hair tied up in a tidy bun, Sharp blue eyes that seemed to flicker white if you looked in the lighting, A small sliver piercing was placed in her nose and she had a small frown on her face as if she was unimpressed with being at the academy. "I guess you could say that," Elliot responded with a sigh and looked her over. He had heard his brothers speak of the emotionless girl before and was quite interested in knowing her. 

"You must be the new student that is joining us, Elliot Witt." She hummed and pulled out a sheet of paper and scanned the page before stuffing it back into her pocket with a bored expression. "I have been waiting for a roommate for quite some time since my last one left. I guess I should welcome you." She offered out her pale white hand. "Renee, Some people call me Wraith." 

Elliot's mouth fell open and he found himself stumbling over his words, It was a habit that he had always had when he was nervous. "R-right, Nice to meet you, Renee. Uh...Yes, I am Elliot." He mumbled and took her hand gently and shook it in a greeting before she quickly pulled away and began walking briskly towards the building. "Today is the day we all get settled in so we have no lessons. Come. I will show you to our shared dorm." 

Elliot caught on fast that Renee was not popular in the slightest and most people whispered about her in the corridors or ignored her presence completely. He found himself feeling sorry for the women and even shot a few glares at the sniggering students causing them to shift uncomfortably under his intense glare. "You don't need to make enemies of the people just because they dislike me." Renee broke the silence as they reached a door and she pulled out her keycard swiped it quickly and entered the dim-lit room. "I have never been good at making friends and people think that I am crazy." 

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