Part 15

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Ash trailed behind Cordelia as they made their way to yet another class. Elliot and Renee, Walter, Ramya and Kaleb all follwed suit all wondering who Cordelia was and how she knew Ash, One of the meanest people in the whole academy. 

Elliot took his seat next to Renee, making sure that he was within earshot of Cordelia and Ash. It seemed that everybody also had the same idea she they all crammed into one small desk which got a few odd looks from the other pupils who had no idea what was happening and what all the chatter was about. 

Ash let out a hum of annoyance as she took note of the others pretending that they were busy talking among themselves. "Lilith, Why did you not tell me that you were here?" She questioned in her usual montone voice. "I haven't seen you since you went to juvie." 

Elliot, who had been taking a large drink of water choked upon hearing that the redhead was a potential criminal and spat the water all over the table, earning glares from the others. "Did I hear that correctly?" He leaned over the desk to ask Lilith who turned to face him, Her good eye focusing on him and a strange grin formed on her face. 

"Do you really want to know that answer?" She responded softly and chuckled darkly, pushing her dyed hair out of her face and leaning in her seat. "I arrived the same time this one did." She jabbed her finger into Elliot's chest. "But, I was deemed a troublemaker." 

Ash sighed in disaproval and shook her head with a saddened expression. "They thought sending you here was a good idea- What about all those people..." Ash questioned knowing the dark past that Cordelia had, in fact most of the students at Apex Academy had dark secrets. 

Cordelia shurgged. "I heard that they are adding a new sport here and that it would be good that I came here to attend it, A bloodsport of some sorts?" She grinned and rubbed her hands together. "We get to design our own tech and everything." 

The strange explanation that Cordelia was sprouting was cut short upon the arrival of the teacher. "Good evening students, I couldn't help but over hear the conversation that these two delightful students were having, It is correct. The school has raised enough funds to start a bloodsport at this very school, You may have heard that they have become quite popular and more modern. I think that it will be a great idea for some of you youngsters to let out some anger." 

Renee listened carefully to the teachers words, She had never in her life seen him. "Sir, Who the hell are you"? She questioned causing everyone to look over at her but she did not care, she wanted answers because she was beginning to get quite concerned. She had heard about bloodsports, They all had. A game so great that death wasn't a real thing. 

"Miss Blasely, Has nobody taught you manners?" The male teacher spoke rubbing his white hair with a odd grin on his face. "You can call me Blisk." He grumbled before grabbing some notebooks and handing them out to each student. "In this notebook you can write your abilites and plan out how you will make them work with the tech that the college is providing, If you want to sign up the sheet is out in the hall. A few of you have no choice but to sign up." He finished, glancing at Cordelia who glared angrily at the teacher. 


"So, You are telling me that none of you found that strange?" Renee muttered to her friends as they exited the class. "A strange teacher just turns up announcing that we are going to participate in a bloodsport, That is dangerous may I add...You guys aren't actually going to sign up for this thing are you?"  

Elliot rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I don't know Renee, I heard that you can earn quite a lot of cash from these sort of things and god knows that I need it." He cast his eyes downwards. "I think I may look into it and doodle some plans for the gear I could use." 

Cordelia shook her head. "You do realise that Blasely is correct right? These type of games are dangerous. It is all fun and games until the tech that keeps us from not dying malfunctions." She shrugged. "I have seen it happen a few times, Let us hope that they have fixed the bugs." 

Upon Cordelia speaking a few of the group members faces paled and shared nervous glances between one another. 

"Look, We don't have to make a decision right away...Well. Cordelia has no choice but to do this, We can all sleep on it and discuss everything tomorrow, We all have a free period right?" Natalie spoke up with a timid voice, causing a few people to jump as they just noticed her arrival. Everyone nodded in agreement and seperated and headed back to their dorms. 

"Elliot, If you do this-" Renee muttered catching her friends arm causing him to look over at her with a soft smile. 

"Worried about me Renee?" He teased her before turning towards her fully and placing a hand on her shoulders and looking dead in her eyes. "I know that this whole ordeal seems weird and quite strange but I always knew that coming here was a weird thing, Why else was Cordelia and I suddenly demanded to arrive here?" 

Renee nibbled on her bottom lip, If Elliot had begun to notice that something wasn't quite right about the college then things were badder than she thought. "We need to be careful." She responded and wrapped her arms around her herself. 

Elliot nodded and released her shoulders. "When are we not careful?" He grinned and jogged out of her sight. Renee moved to follow when a voice shot through her head causing her to flinch and speed up quickly. 

'Move, You are not alone' 

{Let me know your thoughts on this, I was slightly unsure but wanted to add a aspect of drama and the games} 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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