Part 4

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Elliot arrived back at his shared dorm room and collapsed onto the bed and as soon as his head fell onto the pillow he fell asleep. Renee arrived back a little bit later and did the same thing. 

The sun woke Elliot up as it shone through the slightly open curtains. He let out a groan and pushed himself out of the bed and groggily made it towards his set of draws and pulled out some baggy grey trousers, a white t-shirt and the yellow jacket that he loved so much. He pulled the outfit on quickly and turned towards Renee who was still sound asleep. "Renee, We have class." He mumbled and reached over to his bed and grabbed a pillow and lobbed it at her. It bounced off of her but she just groaned and buried herself deeper into the blankets. "Right, I am not going to be late on my first day because of you. I will see you there." He stated and left Renee to sleep.

Elliot was slightly early as he walked into the classroom and looked around for any familiar faces, He spotted A.Jay leaned on her desk with a bored expression as she typed something on her phone. He rubbed his eyes and walked over to her and sat down next to her at the same table and gave her a grin. "Morning, You look happy." He teased earning a glare from her direction as she placed her phone on the desk and turned to look over at him. "Well, I know for a fact the Silva is going to show up late again, Same with Renee." She complained and pointed to her phone. "I have sent him a few texts but they aren't going through. He won't respond anyway. Those two are a bad influence on each other." 

Elliot let out a small chuckle as he nodded in agreement and watched as more students filled the class. He spotted Natalie chatting to a student that he hadn't had a chance to meet yet. Natalie walked over to their desk and slid into a seat with a beaming smile on her features. "Bonjour! Elliot, I don't think that you have met Bloodhound yet." She gestured towards the newcomer who silently took a seat. Elliot glanced over at the other student who was glancing them over. They wore dark shades that covered their eyes and had a cotton black mask with a picture of a black crow on that covered the bottom of their face. They nodded towards Elliot in greeting and Elliot suddenly felt nervous. He hadn't had a good experience with people who didn't show their faces. 

"Good Morning Class, I see that most of you are already here. Of course, I will not be expecting Silva and Blasely until later on." The teacher sighed and took a seat at the front of the class and began going through the students on the register and ticking everyone present. "I noticed that we have a new student among us, Welcome Mr Witt. I hope you find it a pleasure to be at the Academy." 

Elliot zoned out as the teacher began teaching something about physics and was only brought back to the present when the door swung open and Renee and Octavio entered the classroom. The Teacher shot them a glare and they scurried over to take their seats. Octavio slid in on the opposite side of A.Jay and Renee took the chair beside Bloodhound. "Late again, I thought you guys would have learned by now." The teacher scolded the pair. 

Octavio rolled his eyes as the teacher turned away and winked over at Renee who shook her head and stifled a laugh. She looked up at A.Jay was glaring at her. "What? I didn't ask for him to sleep in. It isn't my fault he copies me." She grabbed a sheet of paper and rolled it up into a ball and threw it off of Octavio's head causing him to shriek. 

The lesson proceeded. A.Jay scolded Renee and Octavio for acting like children, Natalie scribbling notes down, Bloodhound drawing a picture on their sheet of paper and Elliot had dozed off. The bell rang causing Elliot to startle awake, He panicked and fell backwards off of the chair causing everyone to look over at him. He could feel his face burning a bright shade of red and he huffed out in defeat. 

A.Jay had already packed up her belongings and was dragging Renee and Octavio out of the classroom to make sure that they turned up to their next class, Natalie had scurried after them claiming that Renee needed to pay attention in classes if she wanted to pass with a passing grade. That left Bloodhound and Elliot. 

A shadow passed over Elliot as he attempted to haul himself to his feet. He glanced up and was met with a hand being offered out to him. "Come, We must not be late for our next class." The mysterious Bloodhound spoke. Their voice was soft and alluring causing Elliot to lose focus of thought. He grabbed the hand and scurried to his feet and tried not to fall over his own feet. Bloodhound steadied them quickly before releasing him and turning to walk out of the door. "I expect that we share the same classes." 

Elliot blindly followed his classmate and arrived at the Art classroom and he suppressed a groan. Bloodhound turned their head in his direction. "Do you not wish to attend this class?" They questioned as they pushed open the large door revealing the classroom. Elliot looked down at his feet and wondered if anyone would notice if he skipped. "I don't do well in these classes." He responded honestly and rubbed the back of his neck. He expected Bloodhound to laugh or tell him to get over it but instead, he pulled the door shut and walked back towards Elliot. 

"If you wish, I could offer you assistance?" They suggested and pushed their hands into the pockets of their large oversized hoodie. Elliot looked at them with wide eyes. "Why would you want to help me? You don't know me." He stammered and shifted nervously. Bloodhound was just about to respond to the nervous boy when a burst of loud booming laughter sounded from the stairs and another student appeared. He spotted Bloodhound immediately and a grin crossed his face and he bounded over. 

"Houndy! Oh boy, I have missed you!" The male spoke with enthusiasm that could rival Octavio's. "You made a new friend?" He questioned and glanced down at Elliot who was even more nervous than before. The student was slightly taller than he was, He wore a tank top that revealed his muscles, he had a moustache and a mullet and an Australian accent. He had a metal prophetic as a hand. Elliot felt slightly intimidated. 

"Greetings Walter Fitzroy. This is Elliot Witt. The newest addition to the Academy." They spoke calmly and Elliot noticed that they sounded more nervous than they had before. He observed how close they stood together and wondered which one was crushing on the other. Walter eyed Elliot with curious and wise eyes before offering out his metal arm. "Welcome to the shithole, I hope you are joining the weird crew otherwise you are going to be eaten alive." 

Elliot gulped and rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at his boots. "Leave him be Fitzroy, He is friends with Renee and Octavio," Bloodhound responded for him before letting out a low hum. "Anyways, Like I was suggesting. I could help you out in this class." Elliot glanced up at Bloodhound and nodded slowly. Walter glanced between the two. "Bloodhound has this class Aced so they can't fall behind." He spoke up and patted Bloodhound on the back before moving away. "Right, I will see you pups later, I have classes to skip." He grinned and dashed down the stairs in a hurry as the teacher appeared and spotted him and yelled at him to get back into the classroom which he ignored and turned and flipped of the teacher before vanishing. 

Bloodhound pulled Elliot into the classroom hastily before they got the blame for Walter's behaviour. 

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