Part 14

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Lilith 'Cordelia' Herring has been attending the Apex Academy for a few months, She arrived a few days before Elliot did and was supposed to be Renee's new roommate until a call had been made and the Headmaster had been told more information about who Lilith was. 

Cordelia had been described as a troubled student who did not get along with others, She was described as a trouble maker and a rebel who was ruthless and cold.  She had been educated by a church before being sent to the Academy to progress on her social skills but so far the teachers hadn't allowed her in any lessons. She had been confined to a small dorm room with no access to the rest of the school, Not many people knew she existed apart from a few people who had caught a glimpse of her when she was escorted away into the small room. 

Today was the day that she was allowed to go on a trial run and attend a few lessons and attempt to make friends. She had managed to convince the teacher who was told to chaperone her that it would go against her learning ability to meet friends and convinced him to back off for a few hours and come find her later on. 


Renee woke up and glanced around the dark and gloomy room and sighed as the events of yesterday played on repeat in her head, She ran a hand through her black hair and detangled it and moved to climb out of the bed until she felt movement, A glance to her left revealed that somebody was sleeping beside her. She raised a brow before realizing that it was Elliot and the memories of him comforting her through the night flooded back into her memory causing a genuine smile to grace her features. 

"What's got you looking so happy?" Elliot questioned and he shuffled to face her and made direct eye contact, He searched her bright blue eyes with his dark muddy brown orbs and grinned in her direction, Renee shook her head, the smile leaving her face as she climbed out of the bed and threw on her sweater and padded over to the bathroom and locking the door behind her. Elliot heard the shower being turned on and hummed to himself as he quickly moved out of Renee's bed and being the gentleman that he is, He neatened the sheets before going to get a fresh outfit and get ready for the day. 


Natalie had left her room earlier than she normally would, She had wanted to get some fresh air before classes and before meeting up with any of her friends and was surprised to bump into Kaleb, She felt a smile begin to form on her features as she remembered when they had hung out in a cute café a few weeks prior. "Kaleb, What are you doing up so early?" She questioned softly as she approached the blonde male. He turned and his fierce cold blue eyes stared down at her before he responded after a slight moment of silence. "I always wake up early, What are you doing up?" He responded and turned his gaze from her. 

Natalie shuffled closer so that she was stood beside him and shrugged. "I guess I wanted an early start today, Get some alone time. I wasn't expecting to see anyone about." She admitted and rubbed the back of her neck with a meek expression. Kaleb turned to face Natalie and looked her over, She was wearing a light blue polka-dotted knee-length dress, white stockings, and black shoes to match. "You are looking nice today." He mumbled crossing his arms across his chest and quickly looked away from the French Woman. 

Natalie felt her cheeks grow warm at the compliment from such a stoic and intimidating man that she had once avoided getting to know. "Merci, Kaleb." She eyed his chosen outfit. Dark suit pants matched with a red buttoned-up shirt, His hair was styled to perfection. "You don't look so bad yourself." She complimented with a small giggle. 

The two continued to converse as students began to stumble into the courtyard. "Lessons will be starting soon," Natalie exclaimed as she glanced down at her phone and took note of the time. Kaleb only nodded in response, his attention caught by something else. Natalie followed his gaze and raised a brow as a female walked confidently in their direction. "Who is that?" Kaleb questioned with a bored tone causing Natalie to shake her head in confusion before she remembered seeing a student being dragged into isolation. "Oh! She is the newest student that arrived a few days before Elliot. She was refused to be allowed to meet anyone." 

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