Part 12

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Elliot was finally free from being stuck on bed rest and he was feeling pumped. He could finally go hang out with his classmates and hang out with his friends again. It was more than enough to get him feeling ready for the day. 

Elliot was seated on a small swivel chair that was located near his dresser on his side of the room. He hummed an offbeat melody as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He could finally get up and move around and more importantly, he could finally make sure that he looked perfect. He took pride in his looks. 

"Morning Elliot, You almost ready to head to meet some of the others in the Cafeteria?" He heard Renee's soft voice question him. He looked himself over once more before swiveling around in the chair and walking over to her side of the room to where she was seated. "Ready when you are." He responded with a cheeky grin and grabbed his jacket from her bed and shrugged it on. Renee nodded and clicked her tongue before reaching over and hesitantly grabbing hold of his hand. 

Elliot paused his movements when he felt her cold yet comforting hand and turned and met her bright blue orbs. "Elliot, Are you sure you are up for lessons again?" She questioned with a small frown that seemed to be permanently etched onto her features. He had only ever seen her smile a few times and it was never a full happy smile. He gave her his best reassuring expression that he could muster and nodded at her. "Of course, I can't keep missing out on the lectures otherwise I could fall behind and get kicked out, You wouldn't want a new roomie now...Would you?" He winked playfully at her causing her to roll her eyes and release his hand. 

Renee shoved past him and ruffled his hair as she exited their shared room, She looked back at him with her usual small smile. "I waited long enough for you to arrive, I don't want to have to relive that experience, Witt." She stared at him for a few moments before leaving the room and heading to the Cafeteria where their friends would be waiting for them. 

Elliot was glad that Renee had left the room before noticing that her words had made small blush dust across his cheeks. He shook his head. "Get a grip, Elliot, She didn't mean it in that sorta way..." He mumbled to himself before adjusting his jacket one more time and following out the door and jogged up behind her. 

Anita, Caleb, Loba, Natalie, and Walter were seated around a large table as Renee and Elliot entered the area and joined them. Anita was attempting to speak to Loba but Loba was more interested in whatever was on her phone or who she was texting. Elliot noticed the annoyed expression creeping onto Anita's face and decided to grab her attention. 

Elliot moved away from Renee and took the seat next to Anita quickly and flashed her his usual charming smile. "Hey Solider, How are you today?" He chirped catching her attention, She shot a look at Loba before shaking her head in annoyance and turning to face Elliot. She raised a brow and leaned towards him and gently punched his arm. "You recovered well, Not even a mark left on that pretty face of yours." She teased and nodded. "I am doing okay- I did have plans with Loba but I just found out that she bailed on me..." Anita shot another glance at Loba in a final attempt to get her attention but to no avail. 

"I was honestly worried that my face might never heal!" Elliot responded dramatically flung his arms around and shook his head earning a few looks from the others. He winked in their direction earning a slight blush from Natalie, A playful wink back from Walter, and glares from both Caleb and Renee. He put his hands up in surrender but kept the sly grin on his face. 

Anita stood and pulled on her backpack. "Since Loba's phone is more interesting than mine, I will be heading to class." She muttered. This time Loba heard what she said and let out a dramatic sigh and placed her phone down on the table and turned in her seat to face Anita. "Quit whining all the time, You wonder why I want to hang out with Kyrie instead." She particularly spat in a hostile tone and pushed herself out of her seat sending it scraping across the floor. Anita scoffed and clenched her fists around the straps of her backpack and set her jaw. "Well maybe I don't like you bailing on me all the time for another woman, You spend more time with her than your girlfriend." 

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