Part 6

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The crew had finished their lessons for the day and most of them had plans to head to the bar and blow off some steam or just relax and catch up. 

Renee had managed to drag Elliot away from Loba and began their journey to the bar. "I assume you will be getting a part-time job at the bar since your family own it?" She questioned in a soft voice as she pushed open the heavy door on the bar and walked in and waved towards Evan who was tending to the bar with her friend Pathy. Elliot nodded and followed behind her with a small frown on his face. "Yeah, It is what my Mom would want." He responded with a shrug and forced a smile. 

Renee headed over to the bar and leaned on the table and glanced over at Pathy and gave a small smile, He had blonde wavy hair and bright friendly blue eyes and was always happy to see Renee and didn't care that she wasn't social or outgoing. He had heard of the newest arrival at the college and was hoping to bump into the newcomer and become friends with them. "Hey Path, I brought you, somebody, to meet." Renee waved Elliot over and pointed over to Pathy. "Elliot, Meet Pathfinder. Pathy meets Elliot." She introduced the pair and let them get to know one another as she headed over to the opposite side of the bar to order a drink from Elliot's older brother Evan. 

"Hello Evan, Can I get a vodka on the rocks." She questioned and gave him a blank stare as he turned and looked her up and down and a smirk twitched onto his features. "I will need to see your ID." He stated and leaned over the table to be closer to her with his hand outstretched. Renee bit back a remark, slammed her ID onto the table and slid it over to him. He took it and glanced it over before throwing it back at her face. He grabbed a glass and began fixing up her drink. "When are you going to accept my offer to take you out on a date?" He questioned and slid her the drink with a wink. 

Elliot had finished up his conversation with Pathfinder who had decided that Elliot was going to be his new best friend, Elliot found it strange but endearing. He bid him goodbye and headed over to Renee and his brother. "I will never go on a date with you Evan," Renee spoke and glanced over at Elliot with a pained expression. Elliot took a seat and braced for impact. His brother was never good at getting rejected and always blew it out way out of the water. 

"You are such a little bitch, You will never get laid if you don't accept offers. You prude." He scoffed and glared at her. Renee leaned over the table, grabbed the bartender by his shirt, and pulled him closer. "Watch your mouth." She threatened causing Evan to spit in her face. 

Octavio, Loba, Caleb, Bloodhound and Walter entered the bar as the scene unfolded. Loba let out a loud gasp as she watched Evan spit in Renee's face. Nobody liked Evan, Not even Caleb. Caleb would do anything to pick a fight with the guy and teach him a lesson. Caleb bullied the bullies whilst Evan bullied everyone lower than him. Bloodhound saw Walter tense and knew that something was going to go down. 

Elliot had never felt the urge to pummel his brother more than in that moment. He had never moved over a large desk fast enough. He had hopped over the bar in one swift movement and grabbed his brother and slammed him into the glass shelves with a strong grip. The glass shattered around them loudly, a few piercing Elliot's skin but he wasn't bothered about it. His only focus was beating some sense into his sibling. "Touch her, Look at her or even think about her in any way, I will not hesitate to put you in your place." Elliot spat angrily feeling the rage he had been holding in for months finally spill. 

Caleb pushed past the crowd that was starting to pile over near the bar and appeared beside Renee who was frozen in her spot as Elliot raised his fist and brought it down onto his brothers face. Evan looked at his brother with a glare before overpowering him and slamming him into the glass-covered floor and began kicking him. "I have been waiting for a moment like this, I don't know why Mom puts up with you." 

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