Part 8

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Elliot slept restfully and woke up sweating and in slightly a little pain. He let out a groan and sat up abruptly and clutched at his stomach. He let out a rattled sigh and climbed out of his bed and glanced over at a sleeping Renee before switching his lamp light on.  He slowly moved his feet over the bed and set them on the cold floor before stumbling from the bed. 

Renee opened her eyes to be met with the low light of Elliot's lamp. She shuffled around in her bed to try to ignore the light before giving up and sitting up and spotting Elliot stumbling over to the restroom. "Eli?" She questioned testing out a nickname she had been rolling around in her head for a while. He turned to her with a pained expression. "Go back to sleep Renee." He responded with a cough and leaned onto the wall to keep his balance. 

Renee knew that she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep without checking that her dorm mate was groaning in slight agony and was sweating profusely. She pushed herself out of the bed and walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" She questioned again and moved closer to him. He looked her in the eyes and shook his head. "I honestly don't know." He mumbled and closed his eyes and leaned onto her for support. Renee felt his body go slightly limp and she began to grow worried for him. She carefully wrapped her arms around him and moved him towards her bed, Which was closer than his. She placed him gently into the warmth of her duvet and placed her pillow under his head to support him. 

"Hold on" She mumbled noticing how shallow his breathing had become. "Just- Hold on." She moved away and reached over to her desk and grabbed her phone and hastily scrolled through it before finding her friends contact and pressing the call button. "Hey, A.Jay. I am sorry to wake you up...Oh, you were already awake? I need your help." She muttered down the line and hung up. She then proceeded to move back to Elliot. 

"A.Jay will be over in a few moments." She muttered and took a seat on the bed beside him. "I believe she is worried that you may have internal injuries." She spoke softly and ran a hand through her messy hair. Elliot looked over at Renee and nodded and closed his eyes with a soft groan. "I will be fine Renee, You should just go back to sleep...You can use my bed." He spoke and yawned and tugged at the bedsheets. Renee checked her phone and crawled over to Elliot and lay beside him, She made sure that she wasn't touching him, even though she wanted to be able to comfort him. 

A.Jay pushed open the dorm door and peeked inside. She spotted a sleepy Elliot and a worried-looking Renee who was laying beside the male and smoothing his hair over. She looked up once A.Jay entered the room. "How is he doing?" She questioned and walked over to them and placed her medic bag onto the floor and began to look over Elliot.

"It is as I predicted." She spoke softly and pressed his stomach causing him to cough. "He is healing but not fast enough...He has lessons to go to tomorrow...Renee, will you keep an extra eye on him?" She questioned and looked over at Renee with a raised brow. Renee nodded in response. "Of course, Are you going to give him anything?" 

A.Jay went back to looking through her medical bag and pulled out a syringe and tapped it before testing that it worked and turned back to an alarmed looking Elliot who was sleepily looking up at her. "W-What are you doing?" He mumbled and moved away slightly. "Ah, Don't be such a wuss Elliot." She shook her head. "This is morphine." She stated and grabbed his arm firmly and pressed the needle into his arm and injected him. "All done." 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Renee woke up before Elliot and was confused when she felt a weight on her chest. She groggily looked over and spotted Elliot. She had fallen asleep next to him and his arm was slung over her. She attempted to move but a sleeping Elliot had other ideas. He grumbled something before tightening his grip and pulling her close and into his chest. She felt the heat rush her face as she was pressed against him and was glad that he was currently asleep. She carefully moved out of his tight grasp and scrambled away quickly. 

She moved towards the shared bathroom and glanced in the mirror. Her face was a shade of pink that was obvious against her pale white skin. She quickly slammed the door shut and changed into a fresh outfit. She opted for a dark purple hoodie instead of her usual black one, She then pulled out a dark pair of dark jeans and some converse boots to finish the outfit. She yawned and grabbed a toothbrush and began brushing her teeth. 

The bathroom door opened and Elliot sauntered into the room and glanced over at the woman brushing her teeth, She looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "Oh, I wasn't expecting you to be here." He mumbled and walked over to the sink and grabbed his toothbrush and copied her actions with a coy smile. Renee rolled her eyes before spitting the paste out of her mouth and left the room quickly. She wondered how someone who had just woken up could still manage to look good. 

Once again Renee found herself pushing her thoughts out of her mind and began to contemplate asking Bloth for some grounding advice. She glanced back at the door that had swung open and watched as Elliot pulled on a sky blue hoodie and tripped over his own feet. She shook her head and walked over to him with a small smile. "How are you feeling this morning?" She questioned and looked him over. He shrugged in her direction and pulled on some combat boots and started tying the laces. "It doesn't matter how I feel, I still have to get to class and work." He complained and gave her a weak smile and moved around her. "You don't need to worry about me Renee, Seriously. I have had worse than this." 

That statement made Renee worry about him, It plagued her mind as she walked through the corridors and found herself walking without purpose. She was snapped back to reality when Caleb appeared beside her and placed a hard grip on her shoulder. "Everything alright?" He questioned in his usual cold voice. 

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