Part 11

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-In which Revenant and Wattson hang out and Rev finds himself not hating the world- 

The dark clouds that had been heading towards the college had somewhat cleared up and the sky had turned a shade of blue that wasn't too bright or too dark. Caleb had debated whether or not he should have brought an umbrella with him on his walk but was quite pleased when no rain had come hurtling down on him and his companion. 

"Where would you like to go?" He questioned the female that bounced on her feet beside him, They had come to the shopping center a few miles away from the college and Natalie had complained about feeling hungry. "We could head to a coffee shop, I found it a few days ago when I went out on my own for some space from the group." He muttered and pointed over to a dark corner of the street where a dimly lit-up Café was placed. Natalie would have never dared approach the beaten-down café by her lonesome due to how dark that side of the street was. Caleb caught onto her hesitant aura and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, The outside is completely different to the inside." He reassured her. 

He was correct, Of course. Upon entering the Café; Natalie found herself surprised at how different the energy was from the outside. The Café was lit up by soft fairy lights that wrapped alongside the walls, small candles had been lit on each of the tables and the staff all looked at ease. "Oh wow, This is spectacular." She exclaimed and clapped her hands happily as she looked at every corner of the room. Caleb found himself feeling joyful that she had found the café to her liking.  He guided her to a seat that was away from people and close to a window that overlooked the city and motioned towards the staff member to come over to them. 

Natalie had ordered a chocolate milkshake with fries whilst Caleb had ordered a black coffee. "You are just like Alexander, He is always drinking that stuff." Natalie sighed and looked disapprovingly at the dark shade of the coffee that Caleb was sipping. Caleb set the mug down on the placemat and grinned. "This stuff is the best, Alexander has good taste." He shrugged and watched Natalie place the pink straw from her large glass and begin taking a small slurp of her milkshake. "Do you bring the others here?" She mused as she picked up a fry out of the box that had been placed in between them and placed it in her mouth.

Caleb shook his head and finished his drink. "No, I mostly reserve this place for myself. My therapist suggested that I have my place to think and destress." He responded and glanced at the fries before deciding to give in to his hunger pangs and take a handful and stuff them into his mouth. His actions caught Natalie by surprise and she let out a giggle. It was no surprise to Natalie that Caleb was seeing a therapist, Most of the students at the college were for various reasons. Natalie was the only one who had never needed to speak to someone but she had considered it to maybe find some clarity. 

"Do not choke on those fries, I only know CPR..." She chuckled and removed the fries from his reach much to his disliking but he remained silent and every so often she caught him giving longing glances at the fries. "Tell me more about yourself, I 'ere that you and Ash are no longer together...." 

Caleb shrugged. "We never were really in a relationship from the start, We had a few nights together but it never progressed more than that. She is too focused on her rivalry with Mary." He shook his head in disproval. "Her obsession with that woman is creepy." Natalie hummed in agreement. "Yes, Dr. Somers is often complaining about how Dr. Reid often shows up uninvited just to spite her...I wish they would get along." Caleb could agree with that notion and huff. "Have you and Crypto worked out your differences?" He questioned changing the subject. 

Natalie looked down at her half-empty Milkshake and shook her head. "Non, I haven't seen him but I have 'erd that he is somewhat watching me." She shudders. "It makes me not want to be alone."  She shook off her thoughts and gave a weak smile towards Caleb and glanced down at her hands. "I expected him to put up more of a fight to stay with me, All I wanted was him to be more open and trust me." 

Caleb decided that it might not be in the best interest to push the subject about Natalie and Tae, He cleared his throat and pondered what to say to ease the growing tension. He was surprised that he was getting along with Natalie. He knew that she was slightly quiet and was nice to everyone if they were nice to her yet he was often described as cold and distant and aggressive.  "Why did you come to the Academy?" He questioned and leaned back on the chair, Causing it to creaked dangerously.  Natalie hummed in thought and gave Caleb a warmer smile. "My Papa- He was an Engineer and very smart! I followed in his footpaths, I hope I am making him proud." She finished her drink and stirred the straw in the empty glass. "I guess we should be heading back?" She questioned looking out at the darkening sky. "The others will be worried." 

Caleb stood from his chair, Pushing it back with a loud clatter. He earned a few glares for that but he didn't seem bothered. He was good at ignoring people when he wanted. "I doubt that they have noticed that I am missing." He responded to Natalie's statement and ignored the pitying look that she shot towards him. He waited for her to move from her chair and follow him out of the warm café.  

The pair walked back out onto the cold and began walking back in the direction that they had walked in. "What will you do when you get back to the Academy?" Natalie questioned as she dodged a puddle that must of formed from the earlier rain showers. Caleb shrugged and instead of moving around the puddle he clomped through it without a second thought. "I will most likely head back to my room." He glanced over at Natalie, A small smile gracing his handsome features. "I had fun today- Repeat that to anyone and you are dead." He grunted and pried his eyes away from the female. 

Natalie let out a soft chuckle ignoring the threat, Normally she would of been afraid but she knew that this threat was merely not true and she felt no fear towards him in the current moment. "Of course, Of course." She grinned and nudged him playfully. They appeared in front of the gates of the Academy and decided to go their different ways. Natalie wondered if they would ever hang out again. 

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