Part 9

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Renee often found herself questioning how she became friends with Caleb Cross. They had the same friend group, That was given but she couldn't quite remember when they had come to be on speaking terms, It freaked her out slightly. She was so deep in thought that she hadn't even noticed that Caleb had appeared out of the shadows and grabbed her roughly by the shoulders and shook her out of her daze. "Everything alright?" He questioned her with his cold tone of voice that she had grown to find somewhat soothing. 

She waited for him to release her from his grasp before she cleared her throat. "Yes, I mean not really." She sighed and moved out of sight of any lurking students that may be interested in spying on their conversation. Caleb gave her a bored expression and crossed his arms across his chest and leaned on the wall and waited for her to continue. "It is something that Elliot said this morning that I can't get out of my head." 

Caleb's eyes flashed with hostility as he tilted his head. "What has that idiot said that has made you this affected?" He snapped and clenched his fist tightly. Renee placed a hand on the taller males chest and looked up at him with calm eyes. "Eli isn't an idiot Rev, He is simply misunderstood...He said something about the injuries that he had endured from his brother that night are not the worst that he has experienced." She leaned her head on the wall and shook her head. "I can't figure out if he has been abused in the past by someone other than his brother." 

Caleb let out a thoughtful hum but chose to not comment on the matter. "You have given him a pet name, Sickening." He grumbled and gave her a tiny sliver of a smile. "Come on, We best not be late for class." 

The teacher was surprised when Renee entered the classroom and was not half an hour late. "Miss Blasely, What a pleasure to see you arrive early." She stated with a smirk. Renee tensed. She had never liked this class or the teacher. "Don't get used to it, It won't be happening again." She retorted and took a seat at the back away from the teacher's sight. Caleb took a seat opposite Renee which surprised her, He normally sat with Ash and Alexander. She could hear Ash trying to get his attention. "Trouble in paradise?" She teased and placed her legs on his lap and peered over at Ash who was glaring holes into her head. Caleb shook his head. "Yeah we put a stop on the whole friends with benefits thing plus I just wanted to hang out with some other people for a change and you are the only one I can tolerate, Alongside Natalie..." He mumbled. 

Renee let out a low chuckle and nodded, She was surprised that Caleb tolerated anyone, Especially Natalie. She was a bundle of energy and adorableness. She was hard to dislike. "Speaking of Natalie," Caleb muttered and looked over to the blonde woman who was seated with a somewhat gloomy expression on her face. "What's up with her?" 

Renee took notice of the gloomy expression on her best friends face and bit her lip before waving a hand in the air to catch her attention. Natalie looked up and her face brightened upon seeing her favourite person. She jumped up from her desk and scurried over and quickly took a seat next to Renee. "Bonjour Renee, Bonjour Caleb." She whispered and glanced over at the teacher who was shooting daggers at her. She shot the teacher an apologetic look before shifting closer to Renee for protection. 

"That teacher is honestly such a bitch." Renee mumbled and patted Natalie on the head before she looked back to Caleb. "What was it you were saying?" She questioned and grabbed a pencil and looked at the workbook she had been handed to complete before the lesson ended. She sighed to herself and scanned the first page and was surprised to see that it was quite easy. Caleb hummed and pulled out his pen and scribbled an answer to one of his questions on his workbook before choosing to respond. "Natalie, I noticed that you looked rather glum." 

Natalie felt rather surprised at the concern in Caleb's voice, She and he rarely interacted and when they did it was mostly because they had been forced to socialise with one another. Admittedly Natalie was intimidated by the tall male and found his presence scary but she had begun to grow used to the idea of having him around because Renee had become friends with him, Something she didn't understand. "Oh, I assure you that I am fine..." She responded quickly and glued her eyes to her half-completed workbook. 

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