Part 13- Discordia

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Introduction To Discordia: 

Apex Legend: Original Character.


Name: Lilith 'Cordelia' Herring

Alias: Discordia

|Other Names| - 'Demonspawn, Banshee, Cordie, Cordia

Age: Young Adult- |Unknown Age|

Gender: Female |She/Her|

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Eye Colour: Teal green eyes

|One eye is a cloudy white {Blind in her right Eye]

Hair Colour:

|Natural Hair colour: A soft brownish/copper|

|Dyed Hair colour: Red|

Height: 5'1"

Other: Eyebrow Piercing on her left eyebrow, Tattoo's |Greek Symbols| On her arms and across her torso, Reaching to her neck.


Passive: | DARK MATTER| - Can sense when someone is close to death. [Can see an Enemy if they are CRITICALLY low health.

Tactical:| BLIND FURY| - Shoots a poison {Hinders the sight of the Enemy} Duration: 6-7 seconds.

Ultimate:| HELLISH MIST| - A Black Mist surrounds the enemy when Discordia throws out a small pellet, Pulling them down onto the floor. Duration: 10 seconds {?}


{Outside of the games} - A Worn Leather Jacket, Long Sleeve T-shirts, Combat Trousers/ Black Knee length skirt matched with gothic Tights {?} Black Boots. |Sometimes wears a scarf to cover her neck tattoo| Or a choker necklace.

{In the Games| Standard Legend Uniform - Scarf


|General Personality| - Comes off as cold, Often called sadistic, void of emotions, Calm before the storm.

Is nice to her friends if they prove they are trustworthy.

|Younger Self| - Outgoing, Friendly and enthusiastic to learn about new things {Which ended her up in a bad situation]

|Teen Self| - Lilith began to rebel against her parent's and her home world's beliefs and practices. She knew that whatever was going on was something sinister.

Her parents disowned her, Kicking her out of their home and leaving her to fend for herself.

-Lilith managed to survive for a few weeks but when falling asleep one cold night she was kidnapped and woke up in a strange place.- She had landed up joining a cult with the promise that she would be safe which was a lie, The cult attempted was an organization formed against her parents and village.

She was beaten into giving up family secrets and information about her home planet.

When they had finished getting the details, Lilith was no longer needed and was sent back to her homeworld where she was set up as being the 'founder' of the cult causing her to get banished from her homeworld to try to break up the cult. A month later her whole homeworld had been destroyed in an ongoing war.

|Young Adult|

Without a home, Lilith took to hitching rides on aircraft, Docking stations and more. She managed to get a few side jobs to earn money.

No job stuck though leaving her Homeless.

In her spare time, Lilith wanted to heal. She found bookstores, Computer stations and more to devote herself to something, Anything.

Lilith learnt about the Greek Gods, She felt a connection with Hades, The God of the Underworld. Gatekeeper of death.

She devoted herself to Hades and a few other Gods.

Lilith no longer had her childhood innocence, The torture she had endured had turned her into a ruthless killer. People began noticing that she was a threat and forced her into the games to keep her thirst for blood-fed. She is not allowed to leave the games otherwise she will be taken to prison.


Behind The Mask Lies a Tortured Soul.

Chaos, Strife and Pain. That is what Lilith wanted to inflict on the people who had caused her pain but she couldn't. As far as her research had discovered, nobody had survived the war in her homeworld. She knew that somebody must've escaped and was planning something else. They must know that she wasn't dead and that she knew about them. She Hoped that they would come for her.

Cold, Wet and Moldy, The prison cell Lilith had been rudely thrown into after the law had finally caught up to her.

|20 Bodies and counting| - The Officer's radio.

She had given the Law a hell of a run for months but they had caught her in the act.

'You have a skill, Self-taught and rage so focused on revenge that you don't care who gets hurt in the process. Will any prison hold you?' - A frequent visitor at Lilith's Cell.

Lilith waited for her transfer to prison but it never came. Instead, she was chained and forced into a van. Forced to sign a contract, Kill in the games or prison or Worse..DEATH.

'Discordia, 'DEATH'S MESSENGER' The NEWEST Legend to join the Apex Games.

Not many people are going to be pleased about her joining the games but her fighting skills are incredible to witness. Can she be reformed?'

QUIP: 'Don't get in my way, Otherwise you will be collateral damage like the others. I am here for one thing.'

QUIP: Tell Hades I said hello.

trivia: Lilith has a dog named Morpheous, {God of Sleep and Messenger} Named after the Twin brother of Thanatos.

Morpheous brings out Lilith's calmer side.

Likes: Blades, Mozambique, Hemlock and Prowlers.

Dislikes: Most people, Cheerful people, Fake people and liars.

Weaknesses: Being Social, Interacting with Others, Understanding different cultures.

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