00. not nice to meet you

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##. APRIL OF 2009!

"I'm glad we're all having fun but unfortunately, we have only ten minutes until recess!" Ms. Ahn could hear the sad awes of her students, they were having so much fun playing games and doing activities that they completely forgot about break time.

"BUT! We have time for one more game!" All the students looked up at the Teacher Assistant, Mr. Gwan and cheered in joy. "The last game we'll play is the Colour game! Can anyone tell me the rules?"

A girl put her hand up, "Go ahead Kyunghwa!". "A person starts off with a colour than you must think of a colour and yell it out in seven seconds, if you choose a colour that's already been said, you're out and the game restarts without you."

"Ah correct!" Ms. Ahn and Mr. Gwan clapped for Kyunghwa who gave a satisfied nod. "I think Yebin's gonna win again, she's been winning all games today!"

A boy huffed, turning towards the girl next to him. "That's because Yebin's the best! She's a real champion!" Sohee fisted her hand on the carpet as a defense for her best friend. Yebin smiled cockily at the boy before turning to face the teachers again.

Their homeroom teacher chuckled. "Remember it isn't about winning, it's about having fun, okay Namgi?" she assured him. "Anyways who's gonna start-"

A knock on the door interrupted the class, Mrs Ahn and Mr. Gwan look at each other in confusion before Mr Gwan went over to open the door. It and it revealed one of the front desk ladies with a seven year old boy. "He's late because of family matters." "Ah.." Mr Gwan nodded before letting the boy enter the class room. "You must be the new student, I'm Mr. Gwan, say hi to the rest of the class!"

Mr Gwan lead the boy to the front of the class, next to Ms. Ahn. "Everyone, this is Park Sunghoon, he's a new friend joining us!"

The little boy stared at the class with an unreadable expression, he was slight taller than an average seven year old and he had an overgrown two-block haircut. The class looked at him with friendly grins and curious eyes. "You're just in time, we're about to play another game before recess! Wanna join?"

"What game?" he asked. Yebin decided to speak up, he seemed like a nice kid and Yebin wanted to get to know him more so she decided to help him to leave a good impression. "The Colour Game!"

"Oh I know that game!" The boy smiled before looking at Ms. Ahn "I'll join then."

"Are you good at the game, Sunghoon?" A boy in the back asked, Sunghoon nodded. "Bet he can't beat Yebin." Another boy added. The girl gave Sunghoon a big conceited grin, he stared back at her with a thinking expression. She couldn't understand what he was thinking exactly but she hoped he was nervous, she loves it when people get nervous.

"Okay class, let's start with Ilsung!" Ms. Ahn sat on the carpet and the class gathered in a circle, they were gonna play in an order from Ms. Ahn's left to Ms. Ahn's right.

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