17. meet the parents part 1

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chapter 17. (written)


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The silence was deafening. Suffocating everyone present. Sunghoon was fidgeting under the table, leg going up and down and Yebin was as still as stone.

On the other side of the table was Sunghoon's mum and her girlfriend. Minji was sitting on the right side of the table, the short end, happily eating away while the rest stared at each other in silence.

Soon the silence was unbearable, "So... Yebin right?"

Yebin nodded.

An awkward laugh came out of the woman who asked, "I'm Joowon, Sunghoon's mum and this is Taehee." she pointed to the woman with the dyed dark red hair and sharp cheekbones.

She did a small wave, "Hello!!" she exclaimed uncomfortably.

"A-ahaha Hi." Yebin waved back.

"This is our daughter, Minji, Sunghoon's little sister."

Minji waved at Yebin then continued to eat.

After some small talk, they all decided to join Minji in feasting on the fried chicken bundle meal they bought from the chicken shop a few blocks away.

Sunghoon's mum asked more questions than Taehee did, like how was your day? What extracurriculars do you do? Do you have any siblings?

Yebin would of course answer them truthfully but Sunghoon could tell she was secretly analysing his mum's enthusiasm levels so she could match them.

Sunghoon carefully watched his mum for any of her tells. When his mum doesn't like anyone, she would continously scratch behind her ear and clear her throat uncomfortably. When his mum absolutely adores someone, she'd keep a genuine smile stuck on her face and her eye smiles would be easier to see.

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