05. post-kiss dilemma

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓. (1/2 written)

warning: sort of long?


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Sunghoon peaked over the book shelves to check where Jake was, he sighed in relief to see him leaving the library with Winter. Yebin stood still, still a state of shock at what just happened, was that... real? Did that actually happen?

"Park. Sung. Hoon."

She didn't know what to feel, angry? disgusted? confused? Sunghoon immediately turned around to look at her. "Mind explaining?" Sunghoon looked at her with wide eyes, looking as shocked as her. Before he gave her an answer, he immediately ran to the library couch, grabbing his things and made a run for it.

"Park Sunghoon! Your time isn't over yet!" Ms. Yang yelled after him.



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An hour later and Yebin arrived back to her house. Sliding off her shoes after a long and confusing school day, she was greeted by the 2nd menace of her life. "Hey loser." Beomgyu gave a light swing to her head as he walked pass her. "Nice to see you too beloved brother." He turned around and gave her a bow.

"Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Called in sick today." Beomgyu replied, running to sit on their couch. "DIBS ON TV SO DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" He yelled before turning on the game console. Yebin rolled her eyes before walking upstairs and into her room.

Closing the door, she sat on her bed, not being bothered to change out of her uniform. After lying down for 30 seconds, replaying Sunghoon's kiss, she finally grabbed her phone to look for his twitter.

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