06. the famous cliché

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔. (written)


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Yebin didn't bother changing. She was still in her pink sweatpants and grey hoodie (which she totally did not steal from her brother's closet). Her hair was being held up by a claw clip and she was wearing white slides along with her black socks.

Walking over to the convenience store, she saw her enemy-about-to-turn-fake-boyfriend sitting on one of the outdoor seats, he was wearing a beige hoodie with black sweatpants, instead of slides, he was wearing white sneakers. 

Hearing her foot steps, he looked up at her noticing she's arrived. Yebin walked up to him before taking the seat opposite from him. He grimaced at himself as she sat down, hating it already, but then again it was his fault so he couldn't be all that nasty to her. Although considering the two act like whiny children when it comes to cooperating with each other, it would be very hard. Fake dating the nemesis, how fun and delightful does that sound am I right? "Evening, Celadon" she started.

"Evening, Amaranth." He replied with the same neutral yet awkward tone. 

This was weird. They thought to themselves, sitting here with each other is weird. Usually at this moment, they'd be giving each other death glares or one of the two was gonna say a snarky remark but no. It was just silence, awkward, but only slightly uncomfortable, silence.

Yebin looked at the table seeing he already bought a notepad and pens, plus buying himself a can of Sprite. "So let's get started shall we." Sunghoon spoke up, taking off the pen's lid.

"Wow, not even gonna exchange pleasantries?" Yebin raised an eyebrow jokingly. "You seem very excited." she remarked. Sunghoon in return rolled his eyes at her, "Delighted." Yebin chuckled at the sarcastic response. Not wasting any time, Sunghoon the grabbed the newly bought notepad and started writing down, in all caps: 


"Let's think of basic rules first," Yebin suggested. "No kissing?". "Ah, what a unique rule!" Sunghoon exaggerated his tone to make the fake enthusiasm sound even faker which in return, Yebin scoffed.

"You wanna kiss?" emphasis on 'wanna', " I mean if you want to , I get it. Men and women always come back to me after one." Yebin winked giving him an air kiss. To this, Sunghoon narrowed his eyes in displeasure to her usual conceited attitude. "Oh please, what men and women could you even pull?"

Yebin rolled her eyes comment, there, back to normal arguing. "So no kissing at all?" she asked to clarify. "Well, we should restrict kissing, doesn't mean none at all, it wouldn't be believable if we don't kiss you know."

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