08. rivalry was popular?

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖. (mostly written)


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Yebin took a deep breath, preparing for the school day. Not too excited for the dozens of questions her friends will ask her. How funny is this, she thought, such a terribly funny situation to be put in. "Yebin, Beomgyu, you're gonna be late for school!" she could hear her mum yell. "Tick tock, Yebin, I have engineering first lesson and I don't wanna be late!!" Her brother whined.

Yebin finally finishing tying up her shoes she stood up, walking with Beomgyu to the door.


"You take too long, you know that? I could feel the grey hairs coming out of my head" her brother whined. "Shut up, if you didn't take long in the shower, I would've changed quicker." Yebin shot back.

"Unlike you who seems to have no concern for your hair, my hair is a priority that takes time to mould into something beautiful." Beomgyu stroked his hair, appreciating it. "No concern? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Look at those tragic locks, the brown to blonde ombre? Are you stuck in 2016?"

Before Yebin could counter her brother's insult, they both heard a loud horn blow beside them. Yebin look at the road, wondering where the sound came from, to see a car parked in front of her house, it looked like a second hand car, a few scratches but overall well taken care of. Through the tinted windows, she could only see a silhouette but such a silhouette is so memorable, Yebin knew exactly who it was.

"What are you doing here?" Yebin questioned. Sunghoon rolled down his window, He turned to her, eyeing her. "It's Thursday, Amaranth."


"Oh it's Park Sunghoon," Beomgyu acknowledged before said knowledge sunk in, "Hold on... Park Sunghoon!?" he exclaimed, his eyes widening as if to see Sunghoon clearer, to check if it's actually him. "Hi Beomgyu." The driver smiled his signature smile before nodding his head towards his fake girlfriend's brother.

Beomgyu turned around to give Yebin a confused look, mixed with shock and hysteria. "Wait... you?" He pointed at Yebin then pointed at Sunghoon. "And you?"

Sunghoon rested his arm on the car's rolled down window to lean out. "Yeah.... me and her...." he pointed at both him and Yebin to match Beomgyu's energy. He let out an exclamation, covering his wide open mouth. "Oh my god, actual!?" he exasperated.

"See you in school, Beom." Yebin walked passed her frozen brother, walking around Sunghoon's car to get into the passenger's seat. When she looked over him to see Beomgyu still in shock, dramatically losing balance, she rolled her eyes, knowing he'll tell their parents after school.

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