14. history on jung min

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chapter 14.


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Yebin's first ever boyfriend, they met on the first day of high school.

Yebin's hair was still her natural black, messy and unstyled, she wore the same worn out chuck taylors that used to be her mum's and she'd walk the halls proudly wearing her swimming comp pins on her backpack. Yebin was only fifteen whilst he was in the year above. Little did she know that fateful day would be the start of heartache, pain and fear. "I'm Min!" he smiled brightly, a smile so warm that you couldn't possibly think he was anything but a sweetheart. "Min? That's a cute name." she'd giggle, "I'm Yebin!"

That day she met him a the school cafeteria, that day is when her interest in him sparked. He was cute, his doe eyes looked like they were sparkling however they looked. His box smile sent butterflies to her stomach, his fluffy hair was all she would think about.


brunette #1 (sohee; loml):no bc why the fuck is he hitting youup NOW???

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brunette #1 (sohee; loml):
no bc why the fuck is he hitting you
up NOW???

jay why pussy:
what is his actual problem... like isn't
this harassment?

blondie #3 (ning):
where the fuck is he staying at rn, istg
i'll show up and key his stupid car

no longer blonde (sunoo):
he still lives in the suburb that's in between
ours and the 7-eleven right? i'll ring the door
and attack

blondie #4 (jungsu):
make a restraining order girly he needs to


winter wonderland:
i really hope you're okay

brunette #1 (sohee; loml):
istg we'll do anything in our power to
get rid of this guy

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