16. the family gathering plans

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chapter 16. (written)


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"You know what's funny, Yebin?" her dad started. The five of them were currently at the dinner table, Yebin, her mum, her dad and her older brother, Beomgyu. Sohee decided to join them tonight too and of course they welcomed her in, she's basically their second daughter. There they were, peacefully enjoying the Mediterranean rice and kebab. Sure it was pretty late for dinner but the whole family were night owls, sometimes their dinners are at 1am. "What?"

"Your mother and I were walking around the shopping centre to get some groceries today, and we saw you and Sohee." she stopped her chewing. Sohee choked on her rice.

"Yes we did!" Her mum joined in with a smile that was everything but joyful. "Around lunch hours, right Jongdae?" her father nodded.

"Aha.. well we decided to go and eat out for lunch since we weren't patient enough to go wait in line, Right Sohee?", "Haha.. yeah, our stomachs were too impatient." She's already fed them the lie that she dyed and trimmed her hair after school, she can't be exposed now. Skipping school and lying to her parents about it? AND Getting Sohee in on the lie? If she's caught, she's so screwed.

"I could see, you guys looked so happy with your friends." The room was now filled with tension. Beomgyu however was enjoying the show, loudly sipping his ice cold water. "Yebin looked especially happy," Her dad put down his spoon. "with that boy."

Yebin heard Beomgyu choke on his water but she stayed frozen. She completely forgot, they don't know about her fake relationship. Yebin glanced to her right to see Sohee looking back at her, her eyes were telling everything, "You haven't told them?" she could make out of them.

"Yes! The boy, we didn't get a good look at his face but we definitely noticed how he had his hands around your waist."

"Right, it brought a shock to us, right Sunyoung?", "Mhm." her mum hummed while Jongdae stared at his daughter with patience, wanting an answer.

"Who's the boy, Yebin."

It wasn't a question, it was a demand. Sohee tapped her fingers on the table nervously, she could only look at Beomgyu who had the same eyes of fear that she had. Really, it was fear for Yebin.

"You guys are gonna LAUGH! Haha.."

The smiles were still plastered on their faces but they were definitely not laughing anytime soon, "I'm gonna go... Beomgyu asked me to help him replace his guitar strings." Sohee stated, putting down the utensils on her empty dish. She immediately stood up and looked at Yebin's brother who frowned. "But it's getting interesting-"

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