04. extended school day

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒. (written chapter)


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Sunghoon was sitting on the library's couch, his pencil case was on the coffee table and his chemistry homework was in his hand. He continued his work, still annoyed about his ESD but thankful he has it to cover up his girlfriend lie. If he's being honest, he didn't know he'd get in trouble for returning a design tech book way past it's due date. Alas, here he is finishing the homework he didn't want to even start.

Yebin on the other hand was walking through aisles, placing back returned books to their respectful section. As she was putting away the historical books, she turned to see her childhood rival right in front of her. "Well, this is a delightful surprise." She said in disgust.

The voice was so familiar to him, it was the voice that could, in his words, "make a child scream in agony and suffer their whole life with severe PTSD of that voice." He took a breath before turning to look at his worst nightmare. "Fancy seeing you here, Amaranth."

Yebin put up a fake smile at the nickname. "Same with you, Celadon." She looked back at his homework sheet and looked at him. "You got three questions incorrect and the one you're doing now is also wrong."

Sunghoon stared at his chem homework, Yebin's always been the better of the two, chemistry-wise. He wouldn't be able to argue about this, knowing she is most likely correct. "Those books you're putting up are in the wrong order." Yebin turned around and looked at the shelf behind her realising she has in fact put it in the wrong order.

She looked back at him with the same snarky face he's always given him. "Why are you here, shouldn't you be ruining someone else's day?" He rolled his eyes. "Extended School Day."

Yebin scoffed, "What did you do that was so bad? Besides you existing of course." Sunghoon raised an eyebrow at her usual remarks. "I failed to slaughter a horrid, terrifying witch, maybe now I'd have the chance to." He eyed his rival up and down, making sure she knows who said witch is.

Yebin kept up her fake smile, staring at his, in her words, "disgusting beady possum-like eyes", "I don't have time for you anyways, have fun marinating in your own failure." She turned away from him, putting the book in her hand into the historical shelf.

"Have fun slaving away in school instead of actually having a life." He countered. "I hope you slip on the ice in your next competition." She replied. "I hope you hit your head on the pool's wall during your next swim comp."

"I hope your blades rust.", "I hope your goggles crack", "I hope your costume threads.", "I hope your swimsuit threads.", "I h-"

"Shhhh! Oh... it's you two." Yebin and Sunghoon turned to the voice to see the librarian looking at them with tired eyes. "This is a library, go back to your work, no talking!"

"Sorry, Ms. Yang." They both gave her an apologetic look before staring each other down... again. Yebin gave him her signature snarky face before pushing the rack of returned books into another aisle, the romance section.

Sunghoon returned the snarky face, about to continue his work until he heard the library door open. He looked up to see who it was and his face immediately went pale. Jake held the door open for Winter, once she stepped in, he followed.

Fuck. Sunghoon ducked behind the coffee table, slowly crawling to a nearby shelf. Jake smiled at Ms. Yang before making his way to one of the shelves, the shelf Sunghoon was hiding behind. What are they doing here? He looked behind him to find another hiding spot before he locked eyes with a school jacket on one of the work desks' chairs. He took a closer look at the tag, "Sim Jaeyun". Sunghoon sighed, out of all places that idiot could lose his jacket, why here?

He ran to another aisle in panic, making sure Jake would not see him. "What are you doing?" He looked to his right to see Yebin beside him, pushing another book into the romance shelf. He looked back at his original hiding spot to see Jake grabbing his jacket, there was nothing hiding him from Jake, Sunghoon was out in the open, all Jake needs to do is look up to catch Sunghoon and his lie.

Sunghoon looked at Yebin and in panic, did the first thing he could think of, "Sorry for what I'm about to do." And with that, he leaned forward, his hand cupping her cheek, pulling her in as he aimed his lips towards hers.

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