09. winke is rising

697 37 18

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗. (mostly written)


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"Oh my god wait it's real?" A student murmured, watching Sunghoon open his door for Yebin. As Yebin came out, he offered his hand and she accepted, just like they planned.

Yebin stepped out, giving Sunghoon the most genuine smile she could before wrapping her arm around his while her bag was hanging the other. The way her smile looked so real reminded him of their 8th grade drama class when they both auditioned for Peter Pan (spoiler alert: she got the part which lead him to lose his mine). He started walking with her to the entrance, catching a few stares from their classmates who's faces twisted with confusion.

"This is the most attention I've ever gotten the three years I've been attending this school." Yebin uttered to herself, causing Sunghoon to overhear. He snorted, "The attention is probably for me, I mean look at this," he turned to face her and used his hand to point out his face, "Who couldn't resist staring at this?"

Yebin rolled her eyes, tired of his usual antics, his been like this since she met him but she knows he'll never stop. "I guess its true people can't take their eyes of disasters." she retorted which earned her a salty glare from him before he scoffed at her words.

They continued to walk to halls together, allowing the other students (mostly those who have classes with them) to stare in confusion and surprise. "Psst, look." Sunghoon drew his attention to where Yebin was pointing at, the only two people didn't even acknowledge their presence.

Probably too distracted with each other. Jake was looking at Winter in enthusiasm to what she has to say, his smile was not going away any time soon. Winter on the other hand was going on and on about something, not taking her eyes of Jake, smiling the same dumb smile he was wearing.

Sunghoon looked back at Yebin, they gave each other knowing smirks.




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