Chapter Six

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Six years ago...

I just started my job as an accountant after graduated from college, Teresa was working in a small coffee shop. We were both high school couple and we made it through the college and here we are, living our life as an adult. Teresa never went to college cause her family can't afford it and she decided to make a living by working. By the time I landed on my first job, we were capable of renting a small apartment. The same apartment that I'm currently living in. The best part about our life was we ended our shift at the same time everyday, so pretty much she and I spent time together at night. On rare occasions, she will brought home a bag of coffee bean for me. 

Me and her, it was good. Even though we barely made it with our pay, but life was good. I swear to god, those were the happiest times of my life. Who would have thought it would end?


6 p.m

I got off the bus after a long tiring day. Looking at my phone, it shows the time is 6 p.m. Teresa should be here any moment now. Hm? Is that Teresa? What is she carrying? A box? She sees and waves her hand with a smile.


She paces as fast as she can to my location. Seems like she can't wait to show me what is in that box.

"Look what I have brought to you."

I take a peek and I see a kitten, maybe 2 months old in a box, sleeping so soundly.

"A cat? Why?"
"Someone left him at our back alley and luckily I found him and decided to take him home, with us!"

"I'm not a cat person, Teresa."
"Then be one!"

I sigh and we continue our way back to our apartment, which is just a few blocks away. I look at her, she can't stop smiling. Maybe she wants to have a pet for awhile. Seems like I have to be a cat person, I mean, I can't let that smile fades from her face.

"So, Teresa, what are you going to name him."

She let out a long hum.

"No idea. Why don't you decide?"
"It's not my cat."
"It's our cat!"
"Alright, alright. I'll decide when we got home."

We arrive at the doorstep, looking at the mailbox to the right entrance. Hm, no mail for today. We make it through the stair and to the our room. She takes off her shoes and jackets and immediately to the kitchen. She can't wait to play with the cat huh? I pick up her shoes and jacket and put where it supposed to be. 

"Teresa, a coffee please. I'll turn up the heater, its getting cold here. Winter season after all."

I switch on the heater and lay on the couch. Switch on the television. News.


Snow! Hah! I still remember times when she and I had a snowball fight. I keep changing channels for amusement, hoping to find something entertaining. Suddenly, a smell of smoked coffee bean.

"One coffee for you, and one for me."

She hands me my mug and proceed to lay on top of me. She pulls the blanket and covering both of us. 

"Christmas is coming soon. What is your plan, Scott?"

I take a sip.

"Probably nothing. I mean, I don't want to go home. I have no else there."

She takes a sip.

"Then I'll stay with you."
"Don't you want to go back to your parent and celebrate with them?"
"Well, I can't left you here, especially you. I can't trust you with the cat."
"Almost forgot about our buddy there."
"Buddy? That is it! His name is Buddy!"

So we ended up naming our newly companion buddy. I take another sip on my coffee and let out a big sigh. Damn, today was tiring. I wonder how she felt. I pull her closer to me, damn she smells nice. Suddenly, she gets up and stares at me.

"What is it, Teresa?"

There is a look sad on her face but she hides it with a fake smile.

"Come on, tell me. Something must be on your mind."

A long awkward pause...

"Scott, will we be a good parent someday?"

I'm surprised by that question. Is she proposing to have a family with me? I mean, it's not bad. We have been together for quite awhile now. But why did she asked me that question?

"I don't know, Teresa. We are still young. And I don't know what it means to be a parent since my parents died when I was five in a car accident. I lived most of my life in foster home. So, I don't know what it means to be a good parent."

Tears rolling down her cheek. Did I say something wrong? I gently wipe it off her soft cheeks. Suddenly I remembered that she was growing up without a father. Her father was an abusive alcoholic piece of shit. She lived her life in constant fear day in, day out. Her father died when she was on junior high. I remembered she cried so hard on her father's funeral. I still wonder, was it cry of joy? She hugs me so tightly that I almost spilled my coffee.

"Whatever happens, Scott, please stay by my side."
"I will. I promise."

I will, I promise...
I will...

I'm sorry, Teresa.


NOTE: Next part is still about the past, so bear with me. Thanks for the support, I know I'm updating slowly but I'm trying my best.

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