Chapter 13: Humanity's Last Stand

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"At last you find yourself at my mercy, tyrant!" Samara's voice declared in the darkness.

Megatron turned around after exiting the Normandy around midnight, realizing the Asari justicar was generating a biotic shield. "Why, isn't it Orion's pet? What do you want?" he snarled. "If this is about Orion - your jealousy is not only childish; it makes no sense."

The Asari kept glaring at him. "I am familiar with your history: all the horrible deeds you have done, all the war crimes, the billions of lives you butchered in the name of revolution. And yet you were never properly punished; instead they made you captain of an Autobot ship. How can Orion allow this? Why hasn't he killed you?"

"Maybe he loves me?" Megatron laughed, rather to taunt the organic than actually believing his own words; it used to be the truth, but the weakening of the spark bond was just too obvious. This answer seemed to enrage the justicar regardless. 

"I am here to punish you in the name of Goddess Athame so that justice may be served on behalf of every soul you have killed", Samara said, now wrapped in a gleaming, purple biotic field and clearly preparing to attack him. Megatron frowned. Oh, look: the organic is going to fire at me with something. How exciting.

"Be warned, organic", he grinned. "If you believe I am vulnerable in holomatter form, think again!" He dodged Samara's singularity by teleporting himself behind the Asari's back and gliding rapidly towards her by hovering a few centimeters off ground; Samara managed to step aside before Megatron was able to sweep her off her feet. Megatron turned around, and both parties landed on a combat stance. 

"It's refreshing to fight like this, without guns or melee weapons!" he grinned. "That's how Orion likes it. Truly brings out the raw power of your very essence." He and Samara proceeded to exchange punches and kicks which both parties successfully blocked, but then Megatron saw the justicar was cooking up another biotic showdown, took a leap into the air and kicked her with both legs at the same time when his opponent's roundhouse kick landed on his face. Samara landed hard after this though and stumbled backwards, trying to get another strike into play—but she failed because, once more, it turned out to simply not matter very much what material one used against an Energon-powered Decepticon. In fact... Megatron had almost forgotten how fun this kind of battle could turn out when there wasn't any risk involved. Unfortunately for Samara, even if being a particularly strong Asari biotic gave her some advantage right then, throwing a reave at him was countered by Megatron making the max out of Wheeljack's ridiculous settings found in the holomatter converter that had produced this body for him - in other words, Samara was dumbfounded when Megatron vanished and reappeared repeatedly all around her in the blink of an eye until he took into the air and charged towards her like a bullet, spinning on his own axis. Everything happened so fast that Samara was left trembling on the ground in shock after Megatron had struck her with the energy of his entire body. 

The next board meeting featured a selection of sour-looking and confused Cybertronians, all in their normal modes, as well as Garrus and Miranda. Orion was clearly riled up over something by the way he was staring at Megatron, and Ultra Magnus decided to address last night's fight:

"General Garrus Vakarian, would you care to explain why your crewmember randomly attacked the co-captain of this ship? Cyclonus saw the fight as he was on guard duty."

Garrus looked understandably awkward. "I can't really say what could have caused that."

"Megatron could have killed her! Samara is an organic and--!" Orion shouted, but Ultra Magnus interrupted him.

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