Chapter 14: The Hammer of the Gods

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The aftermath of the battle was more devastating than at first appeared as casualties included seventy-five dead Autobots - half of the Lost Light's crew in total - and Rodimus was understandably and visibly miserable despite trying to hold back his negative emotions. 

The wreckage of the Normandy had left no survivors aside from the shuttle pilot Cortez and Garrus' fighter squad, and they along with the Autobots held a memorial for the dead crew including Thundercracker and all the dead Autobots. Orion Pax stood up to do something he was famous for: delivering speeches.

"Fellow Autobots and our organic allies, we have gathered here to commemorate the loss of good friends and crewmembers who sacrificed their lives honorably in the name of freedom and justice. Their names are known throughout history as great warriors against tyranny." His voice cracked but strengthened again at the end. "I am told that Megatron has asked me to deliver his personal message regarding this battle...and so I will be brief. He regrets what must happen next more than you know or could imagine; your presence is testament enough of his sincerity. Our alliance remains firm— Shockwave's rule over Decepticons ended today. But first..." A pause.

The other Autobots and the Normandy fighters were staring at him expectantly.

 Then: "... he says if it were not too late—" another break. This time Orion spoke quietly before finishing like an echo: "'Please.'" Silence followed while every eye turned toward Megatron's bridge pod high above them. Stillness fell across most parts of the Lost Light save one thing. Two bots spun around each other almost faster than any human being would see without binoculars until Ultra Magnus came down hard between them, separating them.

"I have decided to resume command of the Decepticons", Megatron declared in a matter-of-fact manner, resulting in horrified gasps and murmuring among the grieving audience. "Understand this: now that Shockwave no longer holds power over their mental processes, the Decepticons look up to me to fill the leadership void. And we are all fighting the Quintessons now - not each other. Nothing will change between you and me: I will only have a much larger army to command - and a new insignia, of course."

"But you can't do that! It's against the protocol of the parole...!" Ultra Magnus reminded him, but Megatron waved his servo. "Magnus, nobody can afford to tiptoe with bureaucracy right now; it's just about as idiotic as playing hero." He gave a meaningful glance at Orion. "Let's assume Shockwave tells you important things regarding how to fight the Quintessons, but you don't know him like I do since I worked alongside him for millions of years. I am not lying or overestimating myself when I state that I am almost as good as he is in the field of astrophysics, which one very likely must understand to work with the Crucible - after all, if I had the time and resources, I could build a spacebridge instead of having to rely on Mass Relays. So if anyone still doubts my intentions, let them put down those reservations immediately because our work starts today - and ends with victory by whatever means necessary." 

The Autobots were suddenly aware of the armada of Decepticons loyal to Megatron appearing to be watching and waiting for their response. Orion looked around cautiously then extended his servo with an open palm for Megatron to place his own against. The two stood facing off on opposite sides like this for quite some time - Megatron was carefully reading his EM field, and vice versa.

"All Hail Megatron! All Hail Megatron!" the Decepticons chanted. "Glory to Cybertron!"

The victorious smile on Megatron's face incited conflicted feelings among the Autobots, however when Orion looked at the grey mech, there was something in Megatron's EM field and optics he was not accustomed to: an unusual mix of charm and... kindness? 

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