Phone call

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Adam's: POV


May 22th 2017: New York

Emily send me a picture from Katie's concert in Manchester. "Her dream come true again." I said. "I'm so happy for her." replied mom. "I've had an worried feeling in my stomach since we left them off at the airport." I said. "It's probably just strange not to have them at home." she replied calmly. I got a Instagram story from Emily when she sang One last time. Her blue eyes shone of happiness and Eric gave his little sister a hug. "I love you dad so much." she said with a smile on her face. "I love you too honey." I replied.


"A man blasted a suicide bomb at Katherine Jackson's concert in Manchester. 22 people have died." said the newscaster.

Mom put his arm around me and tears were rolling down my cheeks. I was so worried about Eric and Emily. My phone started ringing and Eric answered. I heard the panic in his voice. I heard sirens in the background too. People were screaming.

"Hey dad." he said. "I heard the news, are you and Emily okay?" I asked worried. "Emily was seriously injured and she's in the hospital right now. The doctors have already warned me that she may not survive." he said with cracked voice.

I dropped my phone and the time stood still. Tears were streaming down my face and I was breathing heavily. I couldn't move or speak. "Adam." said mom gently. "Emily is seriously injured and she may not survive." I replied and my voice broke. Mom gasped. "I need to be there." I said. I booked the first best flight tickets to Manchester. "Be careful." replied Leila. "I promise." I said. I got into the car and drove off to the airport.

 I got into the car and drove off to the airport

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-End of the flashback-

It was the most scariest moment of his life.

I hope you liked the chapter


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