My beautiful swan

18 4 16

Emily's: POV

It was time for the premiere of Swan Lake. I was so nervous. I saw my family in the audience. I wish dad was here to see me. The orchestra started playing and I went out on stage. I performed the whole thing and the audience clapped their hands. Roses were throwing up on stage. I smiled happily. A woman went up to me.

"You were amazing as Odette and I love your hair so much." she said. "Thank you." I replied. "My name is Louise and we'll be putting on a play about The Nutcracker in Paris. You'd be perfect as Clara." she said. "It'd be an honor to play her." I replied. "You were born to be a ballerina." said Louise. "Thank you so much." I replied and hugged her. "You're so welcome Emily." she said and hugged me back. Tears of joy were rolling down my cheeks. I'd play Clara, she was my dream role after Odette.


"Congrats Emily, I'm so happy for you." said Eric. "Thank you." I replied. "You were amazing tonight." said Olivia. "I wish dad was here." I replied and sighed. "My beautiful swan." said Adam. "Dad." I replied happily and ran up to him. He lifted me up and I hugged him.

"I've missed you so much

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"I've missed you so much." he said. "I've missed you too." I sobbed. "We'll be a family again, I promise." said Adam. "Dad, I'll play Clara in the Nutcracker in Paris." I replied with a happy smile on my face. "I'm so proud of you." he said. Lily Rose stretched out her arms and I hugged her. "I love you so much, you're my beloved Rose." I replied and she smiled. I'm so happy. "My beloved children." said dad.

I'm so happy for Emily🥺

I hope you liked the chapter


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