The Feeling Of Gulit

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Warning: OOC Levi?

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Warning: OOC Levi?

The room felt tight, like both of them were squeezed into a barrel without any way out. It felt stuffy, as if something had been lit on fire, sending waves of fog and black smoke into the room. The way the smoke slowly creeps into their lungs and it ends with them gasping for air in agonizing pain. The sudden urge to just reach for their neck, to try to dig their nails into their own throat to stop their suffering.

But it didn't quite feel right. Nothing felt right in this world yet, Levi was right in front to her with a frozen expression. Out of anyone and everyone, Levi knew that no one knew how much guilt and remorse he had bottled up in his heart. Keeping it there as he didn't want to show vulnerability to the world that he hates. But he also didn't know that the person laying right in front of him had hurted him more then any other person had.

Maybe it was time to end the pursuit of [N/N].

The wind blew, sending a chilling breeze through the room. The curtains flew up and down with the wind acting as it's glide. Waking him up to the reality of this situation. He's been standing there stupidly. The clock ticked each second. But to Levi it felt like the clock on the walls were laughing at how stupid it was for him to walk in without any intentions.

Eyes wide, mouth opened. He took a deep breath, just to feel a sharp pain in his throat. His mouth was dry, in need of hydration it almost felt like he hadn't drank anything for years. His wide trembling gaze did not heed when he flick his grey eyes onto the restless woman. Instead he felt sick, like he had been suffering through an excruciating disease.

To the tired woman who just wanted some peace and quiet, it felt like hours since Levi had stepped into her room. Was it because of how restless she was or was she hallucinating again? Maybe the alcohol didn't wear off yet. No, that couldn't be. She knew she was sober, but as she rummage through her thoughts more and more, she begin to wonder off. Asking questions she couldn't answer. What was she doing here anyways, last things she had remembered was taking her stallion into the stable. Unfortunately that's all she knew.

The black haired male broke his trance. His tongue swirled in his mouth, swallowing, his eyes landed on the clock who were mocking him the whole time. None of them had spoken yet, and Levi was hoping that she could start off the conversation. Anything could help, even a snarky comment. The tension was so thick that you could cut it with a butter knife.

"Are you done staring into space yet?"

Levi snapped his head towards her voice, he didn't actually expect her to say anything. Due to how he had fled last time. But it wasn't time to look back at the past. Hopefully, everything will get better in the near future.

"Yeah." He mumbled under his breath. Avoiding her [e/c] eyes, letting his own fall into the floor.

"Then get out."

"You can't kick me out like that."

"This is my office, I get to say what I want. Do what I want and I can sense that you have a problem with that so get the fuck out."

"I just wanted to talk to you-"

"Then split that shit out and leave as soon as you say what's on your mind." She laid back down, pulling the blanket over her head. "You're getting on my nerves."

It felt like it was futile. He walked in here to give the woman an apology. But everything went wrong again. He had his doubts, was it him? He didn't know what's making everything go wrong. He didn't dare to say it was you that's causing this mess. Deep down he knew something was wrong with him. His fascination on [N/N], a girl he only saw once and never encounter again. The young girl who just disappeared. He didn't even know if she's alive right now. Then what's the point for him to think about her, trying to find her? It was the false hope that keep him going. The false hope that needs to be demolished, but he didn't know how.

And he secretly hoped that you could.

He didn't know why he entrusted you with the task. Maybe it was because of how you acted. How you just took charge of everything. Your company just felt so familiar especially being around your presence, it's relaxing.

Maybe it was just him.


He raised his brows, glancing over at the bed, where the woman once resonated. But she wasn't laying down in the bed where he saw her last. She was standing right in front of the male.

She reached down, placing a hand on his head. Her other hand went down to his cheeks, creasing it gently with an immense amount of sweetness. A series of coughs left her throat. He didn't realize this before but he was on his knees. He didn't realize his tears had fallen onto the floor. Wondering rather or not to be ashamed of the display of his vulnerability.

All he knew what that you were willing to talk to him. To be there right next to him.

"What? Are you still crying?" The lady laughed, using her hand to wipe away the tears that stained his face. "Dumbass, I'm right here." She cooed, chocking down some coughs. "Even though I'm still somewhat mad at you and your attitude."

Levi coughed, wiping his tears away with his own hands. Standing up he glanced up at her. Without a doubt in her mind, she knew that Levi was grateful for her to be right in front of him.

"If I opened my arms, will you hug me?" She wriggled her brows at me. "I know you won't-"

Her pupils widened, too stunned to speak as a pair of arms warped around her waist. Bringing her down in the floor. Surprisingly, Levi had hugged her. She didn't think he would, but I guess he'll still be just as unexpected as the time she met him.

Levi buried his face into her chest. Pink dusted his ears, he knew he wasn't going to hear the end of it.  Now that he has done it, the teasing won't ever stop.

"Well, well. I see that you wanted to give me a hug. But, I need we need to get off the cold floor before we catch a cold. Also it's a bit dusty in here. So it a bit unsanitary for Mister Clean himself."

She picked herself up, with Levi still attached to the grown woman. She sighed in defeat, too tired to argue about anything at this point. Throwing her self into the bed. She grabbed her blanket, this time pulling it over her and Levi. Before closing her eyes so she could take a nice nap.

"I love you."

"Ha." She chuckled. Pausing as She down up at him. Taken back when she noticed that he was dead serious.

"I love you too."

One of her eyes flicker open. Chuckling when she stared lurking around, touching things she shouldn't have. Levi jolted, turning to her as he moved further away.


"I thought we could continue where we left off last time. You still owe me a apology. So this should make up for it."


"I can't miss out on a nice, hot meal."

Author's Notes:
Don't we all like character development?

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