Chapter 3

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Midoriya decided to go out and find some materials he could put to use. With the pieces of his phone and some scraps he could build a computer that he could use for his business. He made sure to cover himself up and bring his pocket knife for safety reasons, then he left his tiny home.

While he was out he wanted to be cautious so he took some small short alleyways and decided not to go to the parts that looked like he couldn't handle. He didn't like being out and wanted to make his way back as soon as possible, so instead of taking his time carefully picking out pieces he just grabbed what looked good and ran home.

When he got to his tiny home he took a look at all the pieces he had. With these pieces and his own scraps he could whip up a pretty good computer. He then decided to stay up all night and build the computer because after all that had happened he wasn't tired anymore.

As the night went on Midoriya diligently worked on his project only stopping in the early morning for a small breakfast consisting of bread, fruits, and water. He then continued to work, around 2pm he finally finished. His computer had high tech security that not even Nezu could break into, a safety feature that would destroy the computer if he didn't log in for more than 3 days, and software that made it so this computer couldn't be tracked, etc.

Knowing that this computer would last him a while, he put up everything he needed. He set up an account on the hidden website that was common among villians, the name he decided to be known as was "Akudama" which means bad guy because he feels like that's what he is now, so it fit him perfectly. For when he went out on a fighting request he wanted a cool costume.

He wanted something that people would dread to remember. He also wanted to make a smart watch that connected to his computer so he could control his computer when he was out and about. He would use the watch for receiving and answering requests, pulling up information, and most importantly activating the safety feature when he needed it to be gone before 3 days.

While he was thinking of all the possibilities he heard his computer notification. He checked it out and he found out that he got his first request. The message read "Good afternoon Mr. Akudama, I am Kenji Nakajima and I have a deal for you. For every fake hero taken out of this corrupt world you will receive 1,000 dollars. The first targets will be Pro Hero Shark Face and Pro Hero Sea Urchin, also their sidekicks Water Bullet and Squid Ink. If you accept this deal I will send you another message with more details. Thank you and I hope to hear back from you. - Kenji"

While reading this Midoriya laughed to himself. Corrupt world? More like corrupt society, villains aren't born, they are made. The fake heroes 'defeating' the villians and saving the day while dissing the so called villainous quirks and crushing the dreams of the quirkless and weak all at the same time. While feeding more and more lies to the strong and hero like quirks. Breaking apart society with all the words and actions done.

Despite his thoughts he sent Mr. Nakajima a message saying, "Hello Mr. Nakajima! I will gladly accept your deal. I also strive to get rid of all the fake heroes, so I hope we will be doing much more business together! Thank you and I hope to hear back from you soon. -Akudama"

To be honest he was scared but was also excited because this was his first job ever. He knew that he had no fighting experience whatsoever and was bound to get beat up a bit on his first mission. So while he anxiously waited for his computers notification to go off, he decided to learn some fighting skills from knife handling videos on BooToob. This was only the first step to the demise of Musutafu and the hope of all heroes and no one will be expecting it.

(743 words)

Thank you for reading! Just so you know Akudama means bad guy the Japanese hiragana way of writing it being あくだま and the Japanese Kanji being 悪玉. 😁

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