Chapter 4

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Midoriya got a email from Mr. Nakajima's saying, "Thank you for accepting my request Mr. Akudama. To fill you in, tonight 140km from the shore of Takoba Municipal Beac Park, pro heros Shark Face and Sea Urchin with their sidekicks will be selling kids and teens to buyers. I don't care what you do with the children and buyers but I want the heroes heads one way or another, after my request is fulfilled go to XXX street and someone will be waiting to give you your payment. As well, I hope we will do more business together in the near future."

Midoriya was ecstatic to read this, he immediately grabbed his knife and put on his temporary costume which consisted of a black hoodie, black mask, black pants, and his signature red shoes. He knew exactly where Takoba Beach was because he used to pass it everyday on his way from and to school.

He started running towards the location once again avoiding the really sketchy parts. It took him at least 30 minutes to run there, that would be quite inconvenient for future requests. While on his way there he stopped by a run down convenience store and purchased a paddle board and rented a scooter.

He rode the scooter on rocky terrain to go as far as possible then once he couldn't use the scooter anymore he swam the rest, to his luck it wasn't as hard because he had that paddle board. He arrived on a tiny island where he heard slightly muffled voices from farther inland, he could slightly make out, "100! No I will do 300!! I will go 500!! Alright is 500 the highest bid?! Going once going twice...... Sold for 500!!!! Please walk left to obtain your purchase."

Midoriya climbed up a tree and peered around down spotting a bunch of big luxurious boats and wealthy looking people bidding for what seemed like children.

Midoriya pov:
As I was watching everything happen I was becoming more and more disgusted by these people. They were auctioning off kids to random rich people!? I quickly put on my mask while taking out my pocket knife, I didn't know how to start a fight so I climbed to the top of a tree and jumped down onto the announcer slashing him from his collarbone all the way down his stomach.

He screamed in pain and fell to his knees bleeding out of the floor. From then on it was pure chaos, people were running and yelling while calling for their "body guards". I didn't see any of my targets and their ship hadn't left yet so I don't think they know what's going on yet.

In order to lure them out I went around stabbing and slashing anyone in reach, I even dropkicked a few people. I killed at least half of the people there, as the screams were dying down I could see the pro heroe's sidekicks come out of a little tent to check things out. As they saw the bloody mess and me standing in the middle their faces went pale, they tried to run but I quickly closed the distance between us and swung my knife. Sadly I missed and he kicked me but I blocked it and tumbled over, I stood up as fast as I went down but I guess it wasn't fast enough because who I'm guessing is Water Bullet knocked me back down with one of his water bullets while Squid Ink tackled me. Water Bullet rushed over and started throwing punches while hitting me with more of his bullets, I couldn't stand up or move so I swung my knife around wildly not really hitting anything until I heard one of the loudest screams ever then a thump.

I turned my head and saw that I had cut off the hand of Water Bullet and he passed out. While Squid Ink was distracted I stabbed him in the back and I guess I hit something vital because his body jerked then he didn't move again.

I ran inside the tent where I saw my targets grabbing all their money getting ready to escape. I grinned inside my mask and ran full speed towards them, with all the adrenaline inside me I couldn't feel much of the pain and sadness I would feel after everything calmed down.

I stabbed Shark Face in his eye while kicking Sea Urchin in the side, Sea Urchin blocked the kick with his spikes but one of his spikes went all the way through my foot. I yanked my foot out and tried to punch Sea Urchin but once again my knuckle was pierced. I tried to get distance between us while stabbing Shark Face in his back because he was bent over clenching his now missing eye. He screamed in pain as I continuously stabbed him and he soon passed out from pain.

Sea Urchin looked horrified and quickly ran towards me. I believe he wasn't thinking straight because he was randomly putting out spikes and trying to hit me. He did prick me a few times but after awhile he was starting to overuse his quirk and I finally got some hits in. Not even 5 minutes later he collapsed and I chopped off his head. I was tired but wasn't done yet, I found a bag and started collecting all their heads in, as I was going to leave I saw the mortified faces of all the kids and I just waved and limped to my paddle board.

I tiredly rode the scooter to the location I was told to go get my payment, when I arrived I felt a hand holding the back of my neck. It felt as if this person was only using 4 fingers, I then heard a raspy voice saying, "Who are you and what is your business here." I put my hands up and replied with, "I completed a job for Mr. Nakajima, the things he wanted are right here in this bag."

I was told to put the bag on the floor and not to move, he inspected the bag and told me I could relax now but how could I after I just had someone sneak up behind me a point a gun to my head?

He pulled out a briefcase and told me to take the money and go. So I did a ran, mostly limped away. I returned the scooter and started my journey home, it took even longer because of my injuries and trying to stay out of populated places.

As I was walking down a alleyway an old man sitting on the floor stopped me and handed me a first aid kit saying how I would need it more than him. I thanked him a bunch of times and continued on home.

When I made it home sat down on a broken stool and changed out of my costume. I thought I would only get beat up a bit but looking at my injuries I should probably be in a hospital right now. I took out my phone camera and the first aid kit and started to treat my wounds. I would need to stack up on first aid items so I don't accidentally die from an infection or blood loss.

It took about two hours to get everything wrapped and cleaned, I could see the sun rising and decided to get something to eat. As I was getting some bread and water I heard my computers notification go off and hoped it wasn't another physical request.

I opened the email and saw it was someone going by the name of Smiley. He asked for information on the Pro Hero Miruko, I gladly accepted and sent him all the information he needed for the price of $500 which he would pay over PalPay.

After Mr. Nakajima's request I decided I would train at Takoba Beach by cleaning it up so I could become stronger and wouldn't get beat up like tonight. After this long night I decided to lay down on my crappy bed and sleep.

(1365 words)

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