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Lets start the chapter-2

                The next day, everyone was sitting in the classroom waiting for the teacher to come in. The teacher come in and set some papers down on her desk. "Okay class, today we were going to have a new student ! Everyone say hello to Miss. Vaishnavi Rao!" The teacher said. Vaishnavi waved at the class and the class waved back. Abhi turned his face to see that Vaishnavi was the girl he ran into the other day. He turned his position to face her and gently waved at her , blushing a bit.


               The class looked at him, surprisingly to see him participating in welcoming the new student. The teacher cleared her throat and the class looked back at her. "Now Vaishnavi , sweetie, tell us where are you from and three things about yourself ." The teacher said. Everyone's eyes were on the beautiful girl . Abhi could tell that she is going to be popular. "Great... so she will NEVER talk to me!!" He thought to himself. Vaishnavi looked around the room. "Well , I'm from Canada but recently moved to India and switched the school to here. I only have my dad passed away a couple of year ago... I met a boy that I think goes to this school and I would like to meet him again." She said whispering the last line.


              Everyone "ohhed" when she mentioned the part of boy. Abhi blushed and hid his face from Vaishnavi. The teacher smiled. "Thank you Vaishnavi you can take you seat right next to abhi over there. Abhi rise your hand!" The teacher said. Abhi slowly rised his hand and blushed. Vaishnavi smiled and sat right next to him. She stuck out her hand for him to shake. "Hii!" She said. Abhi turned around to face her. She grasped. "It's you!!! So , your name is Abhi ? I liked that name." She said . Abhi nodded. "Thank you!! Your name is too beautiful." He said and blushed. Vaishnavi blushed a little. "Thank you!" The teacher begin the lesson and everyone paid attention.

            That's it for today.

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