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Lets start the chapter..

Abhi was walking around town. He had gotten up early and went out to inspect some things. He didn't know how he was going to solve the murder of Vaishnavi, but he knew that he had to. He walked into a coffee shop and sat down. A waitress came over. "What would you like?" "Hi, I'll just take a medium coffee please." The waitress nodded. "Coming right up!" Abhi nodded and looked outside the window. He saw a man dressed in black enter the coffee shop, both hands in his pockets.

The man looked suspicious. He never took his hands out of his pockets. Abhi tensed up a bit as he looked on at the man. Everyone felt disturbed by this man's presence. Suddenly, the man grabbed a young girl off of her seat and held a gun to her head. The girl screamed and everyone backed away. "ALL OF YOU! GET ON THE GROUND, HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD, OTHERWISE SHE DIES!" Everyone did what he said, including Abhi. The man tied the girl up and sat her down, the gun still pointed to her head. "YOU!" He pointed to the waitress. The waitress looked at him with fear.

"Step away from the phone, lady.." He said. The waitress stepped away, getting down on the ground. The man barricaded the doors and windows so that no one could get in. Abhi was still on the floor, not knowing what to do. He wanted to do something, but he didn't want to get that girl killed. He remembered something the officers told him. We recovered a red hair from the crime scene, and no one in the house had red hair. He looked up - this man had red hair. He also had a gun. It was a long shot, but Abhi wasn't taking any chances. He managed to get up without the guy seeing him. He turned around and faced the guy. The guy pointed the guy at Abhi. "What do you think you're doing?!" He yelled.

Abhi narrowed his eyes at the man. "I'm doing the act of justice..and I'm repaying it towards the girl I loved." He ran full speed at the man and pinned him to the ground. He kicked his gun towards the other side of the coffee shop. Abhi looked at the girl. "If you don't want me to kill you here, you're going to answer my questions." Abhi was way stronger than the man. The man nodded. "Fine, kid, fine..." A moment later, handcuffs were placed on the man.

Abhi was waiting inside the police station. They were questioning the man about the death of Vaishnavi. Abhi had hope that this man could be a clue in this entire investigation. An officer came out of the room. Abhi stood up. "Well? What did he know?" "He told us a lot. It wasn't him that committed the murder, it was his boss. He still won't tell us who he is though." Abhi curled up his fists. He pushed past the officer and barged into the room where the man was being interrogated. "I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE MISERABLE! I PROMISE YOU THAT!" He slammed his hand down on the table.

The man was startled. " yeah right. You're just a kid." Abhi decided to lie. He pulled down his hoodie, revealing his black hair. "But my father, A.K.N the Chief of Police, isn't!" The man gulped nervously. "What do you want from me?" "I want answers about Vaishnavi. I heard your boss was the one that killed want to tell me about that?" The man didn't reply.

Abhi slammed his hand down on the table again. "ANSWER ME YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF TRASH OR I WILL HAVE YOU KILLED HERE, RIGHT NOW!" The man sighed. "He didn't kill her.." Abhi was confused. "But the police got her body.." "That wasn't the girl..he just took a dead body their and took Vaishnavi for himself!" Abhi was confused. "For himself? So he kidnapped her? And she's still alive!?" Abhi demanded to know. The man nodded. "Yes, she is.." He said. Abhi leaned in closer to him. "Now you better tell us where they are or I will make sure you're locked up for more than the rest of your life and your bones will stay in your jail cell." The man sighed. "They're in a warehouse in New Jersey.that's all I know, I swear!" Abhi left the room. "I got some information out of him" He said to the officers.

The officers couldn't believe this. A kid did better than them. "What did he say?" Abhi told them everything. "Well, there's only one thing to do. Kid, you're coming with us to New Jersey!"

So friends be happy.vishu is alive..

And and and here is the chapter 8..
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