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Here is the next chapter..

Abhi sat at his usual chair at school, gloomier than ever. Everyone knew why he was upset and felt incredibly bad for him. A couple people tried to console him, but failed. The teacher came into the class and told them about Vaishnavi and how it is sad they can't let it affect their work.

Abhi heard nothing of the lesson. All he could think about was her. Maybe he really did like her more than a friend. They had just met, but he felt connected to her through her writing, through her personality, through text, but now they couldn't connect anymore, because she was gone. Abhi started crying through the lesson. The teacher stopped teaching and the class looked over at the crying and distraught boy.

"Abhi?" The teacher asked. "Are you alright?" Abhi continued crying, not saying a word. He just shook his head. The teacher came up to him and patted him on the back. "Is it about Vaishnavi?" Abhi nodded, crying more. He looked up to face his teacher. "I think I loved her." The teacher didn't know what to say. Suddenly, two policemen barged through the door. "Ms. Brannon?" Ms. Brannon turned around with wide eyes. " can I help you?" "We need to have a talk with each of your students. We're cutting the school day early." Ms. Brannon nodded. "Okay..class, be respectful and nice to the officers, they're just trying to help."

Abhi wiped away his tears and composed himself. He was the first one to be questioned. He sat alone in the room with the two police officers sitting across from him. "Now, what's your name?" One of them asked. "Abhi..Abhishek nigam."  The officers wrote down his name in a little notebook. "Now, when was the last time you had contact with Vaishnavi?" Abhi felt tears well up in his eyes. "Yesterday night.."

The officers nodded. "What was your relationship with her?" A tear slid down Abhi's cheek. "Well, we just met and we were writing partners..we were going to work on our project, but then she went home and texted me..then I got the text from her mom saying she committed suicide and.." Abhi looked at the officers. "Wait, if it was a suicide, why are you investigating further into this?" The officers sighed. "Because we don't think it was suicide...we think it's murder."

Abhi nodded. "I think so too...I never knew you guys would think so too. Can I help, please? I want to be out in the field with you and I need to find the scumbag who killed the girl I loved!" The officers stared at him. "You loved her?" Tears were streaming down Abhi's face. "Yes. Now let's find her killer."

The officers didn't give him a job in the police department, but they said that he could help in any way he believed he could. They didn't take him seriously and went to interview more kids. Abhi walked home, Reem catching up with him. "Hey! They asked us about Vaishnavi. I thought this was suicide!" Abhi shook his head. "I told you, it's murder, they think so too." Abhi said. Reem nodded. "What are you going to do?"

Abhi looked at her. "I'm not letting her killed escape, I'm going to find him." Reem's eyes widened. She took his hand and stopped him from walking any further. "No! You'll get yourself killed, Abhi!" Abhi took his hand back. "I don't care, I'm doing it for her." He started to run way from reem, leaving her behind. Reem sighed as some tears rolled down her face. "I don't want to lose a father AND a brother.." She said, remembering her late father.

     That's it for today..
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