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Here is the chapter 5
  .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

Abhi looked down at her hand, the poem, then back at her. "Really?" She nodded her head. "Well yeah..if you like it." Abhi nodded. "I do, I love it." "Then it's yours!" Vaishnavi said. Abhi took it out of her hand, touching her fingertips in the process. A little bit of a blush ran across his face. "Thank you." Vaishnavi was blushing a bit too. "I should get home, Abhi! We didn't have much time to discuss the project today, but this is my number." She wrote her number down on a slip of paper and gave it to Abhi. "Call me later tonight! Bye!" She let herself out through the door.

Abhi waved to her, and then looked back at the poem. He read it again and held it close to his heart. "I like this girl.." He smiled.

Abhi was lying on his bed, looking at his phone. He was on Vaishnavi's contact. He decided to message her.

Abhi: Hey...did you want to talk about the project, Vaishnavi?

Abhi actually felt something, anxiety, and not his normal anxiety. "What if she doesn't reply? What if she thinks I'm weird? Am I being too desperate?" He asked himself. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, only to be startled by a ringtone. She had messaged back!

Vaishnavi: Who is this? Is this Abhi?

Abhi chuckled to himself. "Cautious..I like it.'

Abhi: Yes, it is Abhi. I am sorry if I scared you, Vaishnavi.

Vaishnavi: HIII!! Sorry, sometimes I don't know who's texting me! :P

Abhi: That is fine. Did you want to talk about the project?

Vaishnavi: Yeah sure! I sort of wanted to talk about it in person though. And sorry that I didn't have that much time today.

Abhi: It is alright. Are your parents not at home?

Vaishnavi: she usually isn't...she went for her work...

Abhi didn't know what to type. He felt bad for the girl. Suddenly, his mom came in his room. "Hey Abhi, dinner is ready! Come on down." His mother smiled. Aaron nodded. "Thank you. I'll be down soon." His mom left and Abhi replied to vaishnavi.

Abhi: I have to go for dinner. I want to talk about this when I get back. Goodbye.

Vaishnavi: Bye bye Abhi~!

Abhi put his phone down and walked downstairs. He sat in his usual seat, at the far end of the table. "Thank you mom, this looks very good." He said in appreciation. Abhi's older sister glanced at him. "You're in a good mood, why?" She smirked. Abhi blushed a bit and got a little startled. " reason, di." He said. His sister continued to smirk. "So did you hear about the new girl at school?" She asked. Abhi nodded. "Yes, of course. She sat next to me. She is actually my project partner." Abhi's mother smiled. "Did you make a new friend, Abhi?" She asked. Abhi actually smiled. "I might've." His sister smiled. "I'm happy for you, bro." She said, taking a bite of her meal.

Abhi's younger brother looked at Abhi. "Do you like her?" He asked. Abhi nodded. "Yes." "OOH! YOU HAVE A CRUSH!" Abhi's brother called out. His sister nearly spit out her drink. "WAIT YOU LIKE HER??" She asked. Abhi became even more flustered. "What? I don't like her like that..I like her as a friend." She looked at her younger brother. "Abhi, oh my god, you like her." "Stop it." He demanded. Abhi's younger brother started smiling. "You like a girl~~!" He sing-songed. Abhi's mother shushed him. "Oh hush, sid." Sid nodded and went back to eating.

Abhi blushed. Like her? How strange..

So I used sid for Abhi 's younger brother.
Now tell me whom should I use for his elder sister???


         That's it for today.
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