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  Let's start the chapter-3    

             The bell rang, signalling lunch. Vaishnavi packed of her stuff and headed out the door, abhi following her. A lot of people approached her , wanting to talk to her , wanting to sit with her , but Vaishnavi declined . "I am sorry. May be another day. I really want to get to know abhi !" She smiled. The kids laughed. "But he is so creepy ! He's always in the dark , he always covers his face, and he never talks to any one." A girl said. Abhi heard their conversation from afar. He sighed and sadly bit in to his sandwich. Vaishnavi frowned. "That's not nice, you guys. Maybe if you tried to get to know him , you would know that he is actually awesome !" She said walking away those girls.

                Abhi was so surprised that she stuck up for him. Vaishnavi walked up next to Abhi. "Hey! It's me again! Can I sit here?" She asked. Abhi nodded. "Of course." He said, pulling his hoodie down. Vaishnavi sat down. "Thanks! What're you having for lunch?" She asked. Abhi showed her his sandwich. Vaishnavi nodded and smiled. "What are you having?" He asked making conversation. "Nothing. I didn't have time to make lunch this morning and my mom was at work." She replied, sadly. Abhi nodded. He broke his sandwich in half. "Take it." He said, giving Vaishnavi half. Vaishnavi took it. "Really? Thank you so much!" She hugged Abhi tightly. Abhi blushed and let go of the hug. "I wouldn't want you to starve.." He said. Vaishnavi happily bit into her half of the sandwich.

             After a couple hours, school ended. A lot of people waved to Vaishnavi as she left. She waved back and smiled. She caught up with Abhi. "Do you have a study partner?" She asked. Abhi shook his head. "I don't even have a friend." Vaishnavi grabbed his hand. "Well now, you do!" She smiled. Abhi blushed and held her hand. "Okay..thank you. I hope you arrive home safely." He said, turning to walk away. Vaishnavi grabbed his wrist. Abhi stumbled backwards and looked at Vaishnavi. "Can I be your study partner?" She asked, her big, blue eyes misty. Abhi blushed a deep red. "Sure, just come home with me to study." He said, turning on his heel and walking away, Vaishnavi following him.

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            That's it for today.

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