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Lets start the chapter...

Abhi was driving in a car with two police officers, a SWAT team following them from behind. Abhi's anxiety levels were through the roof. An officer noticed how nervous he was. "Abhi, we're going to get her." Abhi looked at the officer. "Will we get her back safely? What if we all die, including Vaishnavi?" "You need to have faith, believe in yourself." Abhi remembered the words he said to sid. Believe in your big brother. Abhi sighed. "Okay. For Vaishnavi."

Soon, they were at the place the guy told them to go to. They looked up different warehouses and got more information out of the man who was being interrogated. They got an exact address, now it was time to get the girl back. Some officers got out of the car and shut the doors on Abhi. "Stay here, kid, if we don't make it you know how to drive?" Abhi shrugged. "I have my learners permit." "Good enough." The officers spread out, along with the SWAT team.

Abhi waited in the car, scared and worried. Nothing was happening. Suddenly, his family called him through his earpiece. "Did you get her back yet?" Abhi's mother asked. "No, we didn't..I don't know what's happening. The officers and the SWAT team went inside the warehouse and nothing has happened." Abhi started to step out of the car. Reem knew what he was doing. "Abhi, stay in that car! Wait for them! Stay in the car!" She yelled. Abhi paused. "Sorry guys, I'm doing this." He ripped off his earpiece and ran into the warehouse. "ABHI!" They all cried.

Abhi ignored their cries. He sneaked into the warehouse and hid behind some boxes. He saw a girl with a blindfold and gag on, tied up onto a chair. A bigger man wearing a suit was sharpening some knifes and guns. He had some body guards there in case anyone came in. The girl was Vaishnavi! Abhi covered his mouth to avoid sobbing. A tear rolled down his cheek as he looked at Vaishnavi, scared, crying, distraught, crying for help. "Shut up, you stupid girl! I should've killed you before.." The man said.

Abhi peeked up and saw that the man had finished sharpening his knife and was now walking over to Vaishnavi. Abhi wanted so badly to crash from the boxes and take Vaishnavi and run. But he couldn't unless he wanted to get everyone killed. He continued to wait for the policemen and SWAT. Suddenly, he saw the police creeping up behind the corner. They busted in, some SWAT following. "Get 'em!" The man said to his guards.

The guards grabbed their guns and started shooting. The officers shot too, but one of them fell to the ground, the one that told Abhi to believe. "NO!" Abhi screamed. He pushed past the boxes and went down to the ground. The officer looked at him. " were supposed to wait in the .." "Shh shh, it's okay, it'll be car... alright, officer!" Abhi said. The officer smiled. "My name..was Officer Martin...and n-now.." He coughed. Abhi started crying. "Martin.." He said. "Believe." Officer Martin died right there.

Abhi got up and looked at the man who killed him, now pointing a gun to Abhi's head. "Say goodbye, kid." The man said. Abhi smirked. "I say believe." He sweep-kicked the man and he fell to the floor. Abhi grabbed the man's gun and put it in his pocket. He fought with some other men before knocking them to the floor and taking their guns. Some more SWAT members came in to arrest the men, but they forgot one very important man the boss.

Abhi looked at the boss with angry eyes. Abhi was all scratched up and his left cheek was bleeding. The boss threw a knife at him, missing him by an inch. Abhi ran around, dodging the knives that were being thrown at him. He untied Vaishnavi and took off her gags and blindfolds. Her eyes were red from lack of sleep, and she was super pale. Abhi hugged her tightly. "I'm here, vishu, it's me, Abhi." Vaishnavi hugged back weakly. "Abhi..I love you." Abhi's eyes widened. He picked Vaishnavi up bridal style and ran out with her to the car.

Both the officers were down and the SWAT were fighting off the rest of the men. It was time for Abhi to drive and save the day. He put Vaishnavi next to her and sped off. The boss and some other men took down the SWAT team. They ran outside, got in their car, and proceeded to chase after Vaishnavi and Abhi.

And here is the new chapter..
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