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The chapter is below my note..  
Please read it once.

  As you all know offline classes are starting in many places..
So yes my offline classes are going to be start. As I am a hosteler I will not be able to post afterward..


Then you guys suggest me

1. should I complete the book..

2.or I will keep it onhold.

   I can complete by giving 2 to 3 updates daily...if you want..

   Please can any one literally suggest me any thing..

     Please its  a huge request...

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✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Ok so the chapter starts from here....

             Abhi was sitting on the couch next to Vaishnavi. He was lucky his family wasn't home, they would've surely embarrassed him AND Vaishnavi. Vaishnavi looked around the house and smiled, her glasses shining. "You have a really nice house!" She said. Abhi nodded his head, looking out the window. "Thank you.." He whispered. Vaishnavi tilted her head to see what Abhi was looking at. She saw his eyes fixated on a bird, singing a beautiful song. She looked up at Abhi and smiled. She liked him, he was different than most boys in the school.

"So..for our ELA project, we can do anything! I love that kind of freedom. What were you thinking of doing?" Vaishnavi asked him. Abhi turned around to face her, still thinking about that singing bird. "I write poetry." Vaishnavi's eyes widened and her smile got bigger. "SO DO I!" She practically screamed. Abhi was a little startled, but he composed himself quickly. " you?" He asked, awkwardly. Vaishnavi nodded. She got out a notebook from her backpack. "I have never showed this to anyone before, you must SWEAR that you will never tell what you read to others, okay!?" She exclaimed. "I don't talk to people anyways.." Abhi said. Vaishnavi smiled and opened her notebook, filled with drawings and poetry.

Abhi took the notebook gently and held it in his hands. He smoothly flipped through the pages until he started reading a poem she had written.

"The beautiful, blue bird.

It sings all day, serenading everyone with its beautiful voice,

Yet, no one seems to listen

Only those who see the world in a different light hear it,

Its songs are only opened to the ears of those who will appreciate it.I am one of those people, but not many people join me."

Abhi's eyes widened. "This is..beautiful." He said, inspired by her words. He looked at her. "I never knew that someone could feel the same way I do." Vaishnavi looked at him, taking in his words. "Thank you..not many people feel this way. It's the people that are special that feel this way. That makes you special, Abhi." She smiled widely. Abhi cracked a small smile. "These poems, they're so beautiful..." He said, reading more. Vaishnavi smiled genuinely, then took her book out of his hands. She ripped out the poem Abhi had just read about the singing bird. She extended her hand out to him, holding the poem in her hand. "I want you to have it."


           That's it for today.
         How was the chapter.
           I hope you liked it.
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