72 hours.

544 9 0

braixen stood at the wall, taping the last of the missing posters that she had. she frowned, and couldn't help but blame it on herself. no matter what the others said, a deep-set feeling of guilt and remorse lingered within her gut. a pain that she wouldn't stop feeling, for a while at least.

"let's go. i still have more posters." mudkip said, begrudgingly. his monotone voice had more tone than he let on, and braixen had learned to read into it. 

mudkip was just as devastated by chespins disappearance as she was, but he didn't blame himself, instead, he blamed her. and in a way, he was right. chespin had been gone for three days now, the entire town was looking for him. his parents never were around, chespin was almost always alone at his house. she still hadn't seen his parents to this day.

braixen sighed, and nodded silently. not daring to question mudkips tone or feelings. whenever she tried, she didn't get much of a response. 

he was cracking, though.

everyone could see that. braixen could, cyndaquil, bulbasaur, and even tepig, who was known to struggle with intent and even reading others sometimes. mudkip was breaking, he was never alright in the first place, that much was obvious. though, the thing that made this time different was that he was lashing out. more than often. 

most of the time it was at braixen, and she argued back. it had made her more used to the arguing, as well as the pressure that mudkip enforced on the group. mudkip was restless, having probably gone without sleep the entire time that chespin had been missing. braixen hadn't gotten much sleep either, nobody did with chespin gone.

their group was already falling apart, all in the span of 72 hours, and they all knew that.

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