authority involvement

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she landed in the house, her feet touching the floor. a cold wind blew through the window, and she left it open. braixen wandered through the house, she knew where she would go first. 

the basement.

she went to the hatch, and opened it slowly. it creaked, and she climbed down. cautiously, step by step she descended via the ladder. the room below her was dark, and she pushed the overwhelming sense of danger aside. she was doing this for chespin.

once she reached the floor, she turned the light on. flipping the lightswitch, and squinting as the room brightened. it was empty, though seemingly untouched since she had been here last. the only oddity she noticed was a pile of papers on a desk. she headed over to it, carefully flipping through the papers.

they were all .. letters.

not from chespin, as she had expected, but from a guy by the name of "dr. sylveon". by the looks of the letters, he was professional over text. they had been talking about procedures, and medical-related stuff. 

through the letters, she learned that not only had he been in contact with mudkip, he had also been in contact with chespin for some reason. letters addressed to both mudkip and chespin littered the table, and she rummaged through them for anything telling.

she found an original letter, in which was addressed to mudkip. he was threatened to be taken to prison by dr. sylveon if he hadn't agreed, and so he had to. he didn't want to go to jail, of course. mudkip had always hated authority, especially the police. 

in the letter, it said that an anonymous report had called him in to the police station, though dr sylveon caught wind of it first. it was for killing and experimenting on pokemon, taking their elements out.

mudkip of course at first didn't agree, but thats where chespin came in. chespin was already struggling with the fact that mudkip was a murderer, and it was all in his name. so he had called the police on him.

knowing that, the next letter to dr. sylveon was mudkip obliging. 

then, braixen came across a note. not a letter, but a note.

"mudkip, i'm sorry for what i'm already assuming you've caught onto. i had to get it off my chest. you won't be hearing from me anymore, but i hope that what i said impacts you in a way to where you will stop killing. please don't worry about me anymore.



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