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braixen stood at the park. it was still early, but she couldn't stand to be alone. she would probably be like that for a while. bulbasaur would probabbly arrive soon, he was always early to everything. always worrying about what would happen if he was late.

she smiled, the day was generally nice, if not a little cloudy. she liked the clouds, the way they would sometimes drift over the sun and everything seems to pause for a second. the wind would feel colder, but in a nice way. it felt refreshing when it happened, like everything just paused for a second.

she went and sat down at one of the swings. the wind pushed it to and fro. it was calming in a way. she swung from it, the cold air sept into her lungs and she breathed out. she was content, not exactly happy, but she was able to relax and forget about the situation she was in.

that's when she noticed something

a piece of paper fluttered through the park, the wind carrying it in a close direction. 

watching it be pushed away from the wind, she frowned. it reminded her of chespin. how he always forgot to deliver the letters he wrote to people, leaving them wherever he wrote them at on accident after he got distracted. 

she got up from the swing, walking over the to slowly drifting paper, and picking it up delicately. she turned the paper over, it was folded over. reading it over, her eyes widened.

it was a letter from chespin.

it wasn't for her, but she could tell that it was his. he signed it, and it seemed to be something decently recent. it had been a letter to mudkip. mudkip never gave anyone his number, nor email, and he would insist to write him letters instead.

she searched for a date mark, desperate that just maybe that it would be recent, that it might just point her in the right direction.

but something else caught her eye first.

the letter was about a planned hangout between the two, a sleepover. she knew that mudkip wasn't very keen on other people coming into his house, even chespin. 

was he linked to chespins disappearance?

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