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cyndaquil checked his phone. braixen had read his messages, but hadn't responded, and so he began to worry. he eyed mudkip warily as he stepped back to the area where the group resided temporarily. he carried with him a few flashlights in a plastic bag.

the group took turns in grabbing a flashlight, and nothing was particularly wrong, but something felt off in the air. there was a certain sort of tension, a shift in mood. he couldn't exactly put his finger on it though .. he decided to not bring it up though.

"alright guys, , probably best we get going, i think." bulbasaur said, speaking softly as if he was also offput by the tension.

"yeah.. never thought i'd have to do some shit like this. ." tepig said, a little bit frustrated.

cyndaquil looked over to mudkip, who was inexpressive as usual. mudkips gaze shifted slightly in cyndaquils direction, as if showing that he knew cyndaquil was looking at him. needless to say, cyndaquil looked away.

the four ventured into the forest, waving their flashlight around in search of chespin, in hopes of maybe finding him curled up and lost in the woods somewhere. 

cyndaquil eventually spoke, "has anyone seen braixen? she hasn't been .. here, for a bit." he looked slightly in mudkips direction, but not enough for it to be noticeable. mudkip didn't respond to the question.

"you're right actually .." bulbasaur said, "it is odd that she's just kind of .. ditched us."

tepig shrugged, "i don't know. maybe she decided it was a lost cause. braixen was never too considerate of others feelings, anyway." tepig muttered.

cyndaquil spun around to look him dead in the eyes. "what? are you actually fucking kidding me right now?" 

tepig got upset, "what? i mean, do you even remember what happened between the two? i was there man, i was there for chespin, and well, he didn't even want to be around braixen. maybe she fucking-- i don't know! i don't know man."

cyndaquil got notably angry. "do you remember who brought us all together like this?? the whole reason we're all in a group and LOOKING for chespin is because of her! i know braixen wouldn't do shit like this, and i think you do too. you don't think it's inconsiderate in the least to say that about her?" cyndaquil ranted, frustrated.

"sorry,-- fucking .. i'm sorry, okay? i just .. i don't know. i don't know why she's missing, nobody does." tepig concluded, exhaling.

"yeah, yeah. i get it." cyndaquil sighed, and looked to mudkip briefly. he was hiding something, and knowing him, it could very well be something important.

"let's just keep looking .." bulbasaur said, obviously slightly shaken up and tired by the arguing.

the group continued searching for chespin until it got too dark to see, and too late to be out. cyndaquil checked his phone, his parents were asking where he was. 

"yo .. hate to be the bringer of bad news, but .. i've got to go. it's probably a good idea to wrap this thing up for now." cyndaquil said, looking at the group.

tepig nodded, "yeahh,. that's probably for the best."

bulbasaur agreed silently, and mudkip didn't respond.

the group split up, and everyone went home. cyndaquil couldn't help but ponder on where braixen had gone though. something was definitely up, but he decided not to push on the subject any further. not before he had enough conclusive evidence to do so.

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