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mudkip and braixen walked down the sidewalk, back to the park the group would meet up after the search parties. braixen usually avoided going on these walks with mudkip, an unsettling feeling resided within her when she was alone with him. 


braixen was taken by surprise when mudkip spoke, the most he had in a while to her.

"i can't believe this. why do they even like you, you're the reason he's gone in the first place." he said, hostility laced his words, stabbing into braixen like knives. she bit her tongue as he continued.

"if i had a say in it, you'd have been long gone."

braixens head slumped forward, facing downward and letting silent tears flow from her eyes. she held her arm, scratching at it. she exhaled shakily.

"why're you crying?" mudkip stopped in his tracks, looking at braixen as she slowly came to a stop aswell. "you don't get to feel bad, he's gone because of you. you have to live with that,"

braixen just nodded in silence. she didn't argue, because he was technically right.

"i tried to warn him about you, but he insisted. insisted you were a good person, i saw through you though." he said, bitterly. 

then, mudkip simply walked away, though braixen stayed behind. when he was out of earshot, she fell to her knees, choking on her tears. she wiped her face, she wanted chespin back, despite her mixed feelings, she really did value him. whether it be as a friend, or as something more.

she might not get to say that to him now though. he was gone, not a trace of him left.

she couldn't bear that thought. that she'd be left behind by all of her friends, by everyone who actually cared about her. chespin was the first person to be nice to her, and she couldn't ever repay him for that.

it was unfair that he had to suffer because of her. wherever he had gone.

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