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braixen caught up with the group, tears still fresh on her face. mudkip and the others were waiting around at the park, their meeting place. as braixen stepped up, looks of concern were exchanged between the group. she sniffled, but nobody said a word.

bulbasaur sighed, and bit his tongue. he eventually spoke,

"no luck?" he asked

the rest of the group shook their head, and cyndaquil turned to braixen. the group had become afraid of mudkips reaction when people tried to interact with braixen. he always shot them this glare that would send a shiver down their spine, but they managed.

"hey dude, are you alright?" he said, voice low.

braixen looked around, searching for mudkip. he was glaring directly at her as she whispered back,

"i'm okay .. just ..--" she said, a lump formed in her throat. "just .. uhm. . emotional." she said, her voice wavering slightly. cyndaquil nodded, and met mudkips glare with one of his own, looking at him level-headedly.

mudkip stared back harshly, and then looked away as tepig cleared his throat.

"look, i know we're all sad and shit," he said, fighting grief from his voice, "but we can't let that tear us apart. i know ya'll are all too scared to say it yourself, but--" he sighed, "someones gotta speak up about it."

the group nodded their heads slowly, except for mudkip.

"yeah? and whos to blame for that?" he said, bitterly.

"dude! lay off!" cyndaquil said, annoyance laced his tone. "did you even fucking hear what tepig just said? we're supposed to be working together, not tearing this group apart!"

"you didn't even fucking know chespin like i did." mudkip retorted hostily, a vicious tone lacing his words like venom.

"oh yeah, so what!" cyndaquil retorted, scoffing. "you want like, a fucking prize or something? why don't we ask Chespin himself to give you one, yeah?— but oh wait! he isn't here." he said, and everyone went quiet.

"dude . . " bulbasaur said, softly, breaking the silence.

mudkip shook with anger, and stormed off. he left, and the whole group watched. braixen watched with wide eyes, she didn't expect cyndaquil to go that far.

"sorry. . i just ..-- i got so mad, he needs to just fuck off sometimes! god ..--" he sighed, grumbling. "i've-- i've got to go. goodbye," and so he left as well.

braixen looked at bulbasaur, then to tepig.

"well . .i'll see you guys here tomorrow, .. hopefully." she said meekly.

"yeah .. you too." bulbasaur replied.

braixen waved goodbye and walked home, each day was getting worse within the group. if they didn't find chespin soon, things would go to hell quicker than she thought.

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