the other path

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braixen walked with the group, the trees towered over the group, providing a sort of shade that felt nice, but also uncomfortable paired with the wind. she walked beside cyndaquil. she had her doubts about mudkip being genuine, especially because of how he acted when she had picked up the letter. how long had he been standing there anyway..?

the group was headed to the forest, and braixen followed behind them all. every so often, mudkip shot her a glance, almost to make sure she was following. she kept this in the back of her mind, and thought for a second.

if mudkip was here .. she could technically do some investigating of her own.

she stopped in her tracks, calling out to the group. "I've got to let my mom know where I'm headed, I'll be right back. my house isn't too far." she began to step backwards, and walked into the other direction.

but she wasn't on her way to her house.

she was on her way to mudkips.

she followed the road until she found the right area, where mudkip lived. she walked down the road, and the wind rustled bushes and tree leaves. something felt deathly off, but maybe it was just because she was alone for the first time in a while.

she felt. . watched.

paranoia ate at her, and she quickened her pace. she speed-walked to mudkips house. the door was locked when she approached it, but upon further investigation, she found the windows were not.

she delicately lifted the window up, making sure to be as silent as she could be. mudkip was smart enough to suspect something, that is if he weren't in the huge group he was in at the moment. she looked around the inside of the house, and since the windows weren't too high up,

she climbed inside.

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